Ziua cu ghinion a Amoritei. Trailer pentru viitorul documentar despre „Amorita”, un iaht clasic implicat într-un accident îngrozitor care l-a trimis instantaneu pe fundul oceanului. În mod miraculos, nimeni nu a fost ucis. Filmul include imagini nemaivăzute până acum cu accidentul real, scufundarea, salvarea marinarilor și, în cele din urmă, iubitul iaht. Dacă ați văzut „Totul este pierdut” cu Robert Redford, vă va plăcea acest film. Teme similare, imagini și determinarea marinarilor implicați. Caut parteneri de distributie. Pierre Marcel, director. www.NY30.org
„07-07-07, Ziua ghinionică a Amoriței” Trailer de film. Povestea proprietarilor care au grijă de un iaht care se scufundă

18 thoughts on “„07-07-07, Ziua ghinionică a Amoriței” Trailer de film. Povestea proprietarilor care au grijă de un iaht care se scufundă”
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just found this vido and BAM, i see me sailing at 0:23
Great movie! Saw that tonight! And I'm one of the kids sailing in the 420's!
would love to watch it but where? the link they provide is the same short.
Oh no.
I think you generalize a bit too much there, racing adds an additional element which can lead people to behave in an unseamanlike fashion and i guess in that regard your statement holds true. In this video you can see the big ketch running into the boom of the 2nd gaffer causing it to swerve to port and run into the stern of the lead boat causing it to round down and get rammed by the big ketch.. the main offender here is the ketch.
continued: What the ketch did wrong.. 1: failed to maintain proper lookout, 2: violated the right of way of the boat it was about to pass by running into their boom. I think collisions from the above reasons are not that uncommon though… what is uncommon is the damage caused.
why i said "main offender" in the previous post is because i feel the 2nd boat was being very naive and unseamanlike in his positioning and not was literally boxing himsellf in between boom and stern of boat 1.
oops, typo there.. now i saw the 2nd boat was actually outside the boom of boat 1, hence their position was more or less as good as it could be given the circumstances.
This type of comment is both arrogant and ignorant. The majority of race yacht crews have developed and demonstrated impeccable seamanship skills. More than can be said of their non-racing counterparts.
The frame at 2:06 shows that the 2nd yacht had already collided with the boom and mainsail of Amorita before the ketch "ran into the boom" of the 2nd yacht. I believe that is because the 2nd yacht, realizing (too late) that the ketch was about to collide with them, made a vain attempt to avoid the ketch with a sudden course change to windward.
True the collision between boat 1 and 2 preceeded the reaming from the ketch but boat 2 did not have enough momentum to cause boat 1 to change course, if the ketch had not ran her down boat 2 would have been slowed down and the lead boat would have separated from it.
The ketch is practically mounting the stern of boat 2 and is halfway up the boom until it actually collides with the boom thus causing boat 2 to torpedo boat 1 so it changes course and gets rammed by the ketch…
clearly the Ketch is overtaking – therefore the accident is her responsibility. The ketch ensnared the main of the 2nd NY30…they reacted by heading up wind…unfortunately the 2nd NY30 ensnared the mainsheet of the Amorita…which dragged her stern upwind and force her across the Ketch. The Ketch should have tacked or luffed upwind before overlapping…or eased the main and slowed…but apparently the skipper was more focused on making the mark.
good photos at ny30.org
WRONG! Billy Blacks stills show the ketch is reponsible: ny30.org/amorita_accident.htm
Your read of 2:06:?? is in error. The stills show the 2 NY 30s overlapping on same course. 2:08 shows the bow of the ketch in between the NY30/2's boom and hull. The only move that helmsman could take was up wind – downwind would have destroyed her as well. Now IF the crewman on the Mainsheet let it run free them perhaps NY30/2 would have gotten away with rigging damage and NY30/1 survived…
BTW if you do not accept the responsibility of the overtaking vessel then you shouldn't be at the helm of one!
The film is with a distribution agent, and we hope have it available soon!
None of them were wearing lifejackets!!!! They were so lucky. I suppose with all their wealth, they feel that they are immune to all that!
Beauty can sometimes brings death …. injury! :-(((
Would love to watch the movie- where to find? BTW, Sumurun is the October picture of the Classic Beken calendar