Abonați-vă la @olympics: http://oly.ch/Subscribe Acoperire completă completă Weymouth și Portland, în timp ce chineza Lijia Xu câștigă aurul la evenimentul feminin de navigație radială cu laser, în timp ce olandeza Marit Bouwmeester câștigă argint, iar belgiana Evi Van Acker câștigă bronzul la Jocurile Olimpice de la Londra 2012. Navigația a fost disputată pentru prima dată ca sport olimpic la Jocurile de la Paris din 1900. De atunci, clasele de bărci permise să concureze au evoluat continuu pentru a reflecta progresele în proiectarea și tehnologia iahturilor. Progresele în echipamente din ultimii 20 de ani au creat o tendință către ambarcațiuni mai mici și mai ușoare, impunând cerințe tot mai mari atât capacitățile atletice, cât și cele tehnice ale marinarilor. Găsiți mai multe despre navigație la http://www.olympic.org/sailing ___________________________________________________________
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Reluare completă a finalei de navigație radială cu laser pentru femei – Jocurile Olimpice de la Londra 2012

28 thoughts on “Reluare completă a finalei de navigație radială cu laser pentru femei – Jocurile Olimpice de la Londra 2012”
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it seems that the finland team always start at the pin
Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Xu Lijia!
I think there is a significant amount of current coming from upwind from looking at the video. that would mean she kept going left upwind and went right downwind to stay in the favored current
and people think rugby is a hard sport -_-
These announcers accents are annoying as hell.
China China China China China China China China China China China China China
Really bad camera work haha. I wanted to see how they all contest the buoys and they zoom in on 1 sailor??!
My guess for the Rio 2016 podium:
1 Van Acker
2 Bouwmeester
3 Young
I can't wait to watch my favorite sailor (Xu Lijia) Win at #Rio2016!!
The commentary on this is sometimes completely misses the point in my opinion. Too much focus on bodyweight and misses aspects like CHN and BEL tacking back after the shift to reduce their risk and also CHN managing to fight to skilfully gain the leeward position and luff up NED and GBR. I understand it's a very difficult job but there's no need to be talking the whole time if there's nothing to say.
The winner is literally my relative xD
It's funny how I get a huge amount of respect for sailing, like everyone is like How's sailing, did you sail this week etc.
And then some here are saying they don't see sailing as a sport
Any guess on how many knots the wind was in this race?
40:40 look that Chinese girl knew that there has been a wind shift therefore she didn't do a perfect downwind instead did a "reach" while other idiots were simply doing downwind and got so behind.
Amazing work by Xu Lijia! How can she be so fast downwind? Also, did you notice that her sail is slightly luffing always on the upwind legs?
Кому не понравилось?
I bought Sari Multalas (FIN) lower mast in 2011. Still works great for my purposes!
The talking heads again missed the brilliant display by China. Outweighed but certainly not out sailed China picked a completely different course suited for her. She lead from the start to the finish even when given a bogus penalty very unbecoming for the judges. The story is China out sailed the group and out gunned even when given a bogus penalty. This is how you turn lemons into lemonade and make the judges look very foolish. Congrats China only the foolish would fail to acknowledge your mastery of this race.
8:04: Current objective: survive (for the commentator)
How do they know which buoy to take at the bottom mark?
10:44 start
17:21 1st mark
20:55 2nd mark
27:15 3rd mark
30:40 4ht mark
37:00 5ht mark
41:03 finish
"the chinese girl"
Xu rocks, she seems to be in accord with the forces, sailing gently, efficiently. The rest have methods… Xu so elegant and composed. Medal well deserved.
Why is the commentator talking so much about weight?
Annaluise Murphy is my cousin that’s the only reason why I’m watching this
Should be in Europe Dinghy's

the "chinese girl" is leading the race but the commentators barely say her name, it's incredible!