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Tom Slingsby (AUS) câștigă aurul cu laser cu vele pentru bărbați – Jocurile Olimpice de la Londra 2012

42 thoughts on “Tom Slingsby (AUS) câștigă aurul cu laser cu vele pentru bărbați – Jocurile Olimpice de la Londra 2012”
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creo que una de las regatas mas completas y bonitas que uno puede ver…gracias contides gracias tom slingsby…los dos sois maravillosos.gracias.
1970 #3812 Chesapeake Bay
So good to watch again and get some inspiration to go hard LOL
Sailing is so Much fun
Once again, my favorite Frostbite video
I love sailing and i think its a very underrated sport
Who else here is Australian
Drones would make this much better for viewing.
У ребят наверно мышцы пресса просто бешеные
Well, I’m not a laser girl yet, but I will be after I beat some Op races
Странно что на фордевинде никто не вынимал шверт
have a look at my channel if you read this
I’d be turtled before the start
Should I buy a new laser or a old one
42:25 is an insane cross by GBR
if u like watersport have a look at my videos
anyone else annoyed that they kept proncouding pavlos kontides name wrong
I have no idea what's happening.. just waiting for a collision but it never happens
this is why few people watch sailling. I'm in the industry and love it but this video has so much dead time. It is poorly produced.
My goodness they're getting wet !!
12:28 that was a sweet double tack by sweeden.
I go to sailing
how many knots was the wind blowing here? I need this info for a school project.
This is why I sail laser
15:45 start
23:10 1st mark
26:15 2nd mark
33:40 3rd mark
36:00 4ht mark
42:40 5ht mark
46:05 6ht mark
46:59 finish
16:30 why's he got so much outhaul off?
I’m a newbie , what was the mistake of pavlo? Was in the starting?
What happens if a sailor falls out of the boat?
Oh. I thought german racer pass the final line first.??
21:07 couldn't Pavlos have sailed under Slingby and forced him up? Drawing a penalty?
Man I'dlove some captions on this, the ambient/course audio is so loud that I can't reasonably listen in while working studiously in the office.. I swear I am working hard on this fresh and beautiful Friday!
The stupid path peroperativly tease because cause unequivocally joke regarding a strong copper. blushing, outgoing red
The race starts at 15:40. Lots of foreplay in this replay.
I thought I understood sailing but apparently not, why are you focused on AUS and CYP if they are in 9th and 10th place. Also if they're in dead last how is he the gold winner????
Why do you give away the winner in the title? It ruins it for anybody who hasn't seen the race yet. The title should just say "Men's Laser Sailing Gold London Olympics 2012."
Awesome race! Thanks for upload!
For whom does the race exist? The sailors or the spectators?
Won't play on utube……. zzzzzzzzzz