The Beautiful South – Voi naviga singur pe această navă (video original)

The Beautiful South - Voi naviga singur pe această navă (video original)

The Beautiful South a fost un grup pop englez format la sfârșitul anilor 1980 de doi foști membri ai grupului Hull The Housemartins, Paul Heaton și Dave Hemingway. Alți membri au fost Sean Welch (bas), Dave Stead (tobe) și Dave Rotheray (chitară) și o succesiune de vocaliste – Briana Corrigan, Jacqui Abbott și Alison Wheeler. Grupul s-a despărțit în ianuarie 2007, susținând că despărțirea s-a datorat „asemănărilor muzicale”, vândund aproximativ 15.000.000 de discuri în întreaga lume. În ianuarie 2009, a fost anunțat că foștii membri Dave Hemingway, Alison Wheeler și Dave Stead se vor reforma sub numele de „New Beautiful South”, care ulterior a fost schimbat în „The South”.


50 thoughts on “The Beautiful South – Voi naviga singur pe această navă (video original)

  1. He's a diamond ,when his work is put 2gether after years of creating stuff that went out then the next and the next ,it's now that you realise what a great artist he was/is 🤔classics that will be played many many years

  2. This is a absolute classic! This makes ya emotional 😢 it makes ya think of days gone by and the people who was in your life who arnt with us now bless 🙌

  3. The Housemartins,Beautiful South,Dueting with Jackie Abbott (incidently,the best looking lady in pop history),Paul Heaton is simply superb!!…fantastic voice,superb songwriter.the list goes on.His songs seemed to go under the radar,it s criminal…!!!!

  4. The beauty to this song and then the last line darkness. Such a beautifully underrated song and band! Clever lyrics sang with beautiful harmonies. I'll always keep this 💔 they all claim to love you when your gone 🤷‍♂️ pat I hope your happier in heaven buddy ❤⚘

  5. Whoever made this video didn't think it through! Just try getting in and out of a bloody deckchair at my age – talk about breaking a hip, more like being permanently wheelchair bound just thinking about it! Idiots. Not Paul, obvs. He's God.

  6. I listened to housemartins and beautiful south cassettes 'til they wore out. Great sound great songs and singer. Like this one.

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