Raport despre barca Bénéteau Swift Trawler 50, parte a specialului nostru Stars of Southampton, prezentat în numărul din noiembrie 2012 al revistei Motor Boat & Yachting. Asigurați-vă că luați revista pentru raportul complet al emisiunii. Sunteți abonat la numărul tipărit al MBY? Dacă da, vizitați www.mby.com/digsub pentru a afla cum puteți descărca o versiune digitală gratuită a revistei în fiecare lună. Urmărește-ne – www.twitter.com/mbyipc Facebook – www.facebook.com/mbyipc Subscribe – www.mby.com/subscribe Interactive Edition – www.mby.com/dig
Bénéteau Swift Trawler 50 de la Motor Boat & Yachting

8 thoughts on “Bénéteau Swift Trawler 50 de la Motor Boat & Yachting”
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No access to the fly bridge from inside the lower helm
Big mistake. The 52 was a much nicer boat, as well as being much better looking.
No offense but I think they should have stuck with making sailboats….
He is so funny. Vollyboll…
how hard is it to find someone who can speak american for a USA you=tube video???
What cheap piece of mass production shit. Laminate teak ? Really !
Awesome boat. Horrible presentation