Navigați prin Samoa către Adelaide 43ft Cheoy Lee

Navigați prin Samoa către Adelaide 43ft Cheoy Lee

Bun venit la bord! De la Apia, Samoa la Adelaide, Australia de Sud la bordul unui Cheoy Lee 43ft M/Sailer prin Regatul Tonga, Noua Caledonie, Coffs Harbour, Sydney, Wilsons Prom, Apollo Bay și Port Fairy.


31 thoughts on “Navigați prin Samoa către Adelaide 43ft Cheoy Lee

  1. Hi there, My family owned your boat from 1989 to 2006 we have a lot of pictures of the boat and the original build pictures from the Hong Kong yard we would like you to have.
    E mail me at We are pleased someone is using and enjoying the boat. Great video, brought tears to my eyes. we had some great times on the Happy Like Me.

  2. Well done. I really enjoy well edited sailing videos of people's trips and pictures that is accompanied by good music. No talking, just good music.

  3. I only managed to get a 3 minutes into it. The music was too much. A proper narration would have been better rather than listening to Bryan Ferry. Not that I don't like BF, just that it becomes irritating when trying to watch a sailing video but only marginally less so than than with the sound turned down.

  4. Fabulous clip! I have a 41 foot Formosa ketch (built in Taiwan '74) totally renovated by me and a shipwright 9 years ago – a similar style boat to yours. So I found your clip particularly interesting. Have done a ton of coastal voyages and one 4 day voyage out to Lord Howe Island…but looking forward to doing a voyage like yours (in reverse.) Your boat looks beautiful and in excellent condition btw. My boat is called 'Diana' ;;; maybe we'll meet somewhere down the way…all the best.

  5. Great video and music!! You all visited some beautiful places and along the trip, doesn't get any better! Check us out at

  6. Hi Guy's, liked the video a lot. Just a question, we have the same model just without the flying bridge. Same hullshape but a cutterrig. Ive seen quitte a lot of motoring/motorsailing in the video. We like to think although she's not a runner but not realy a slow sailer. do you feel different or was there just not enough wind/time?? Thanks Danny

  7. I owned this boat from 1992 until 2007 in Washington state USA. and had many years of fun times. The boat was named Happy like me when I had her. I would like to contact the present owner if possible as I have all the log books and baby pictures of when it was under construction in Kowloon and would like to see about getting them to the owner. Made me think about good times watching the video.

  8. I have so much more respect of the ocean and a lot more inspiration after watching this, thank you from a fellow Adelaidian

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