Iaht clasic: nou cutter de gentleman în stilul anilor 1880 Integrity

Iaht clasic: nou cutter de gentleman în stilul anilor 1880 Integrity

Elaine Bunting pleacă pe navigație pe Integrity, un cutter pentru gentleman nou-nouț de 43 de picioare, iar designerul și constructorul Will Stirling vorbește despre ideile și filozofia acestei ambarcațiuni unice și frumoase. Este o poveste grozavă – citiți mai multe în numărul din martie a revistei Yachting World


33 thoughts on “Iaht clasic: nou cutter de gentleman în stilul anilor 1880 Integrity

  1. Will is one of the most sensational shipwrights at work in the UK today. His attention to authenticity and the integrity of purpose is without precedent is this size of vessel.
    Utterly remarkable work from one of the classic boat world's true gentlemen. And a great guy to boot!

  2. What  an interesting configuration of sails, I do believe I had seen this many years ago in a model form, as well as a book of sorts about the history of cutters. blast it is a looker.

  3. Great boat ,thank you for the video it’s beautiful boat . I am sailing around the world. I am from the garden island of Kauai. Welcome on my Facebook page

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