Restaurarea iahtului cu fantail Mathis Trumpy de 103 pi „Freedom” – McMillan Yachts

Restaurarea iahtului cu fantail Mathis Trumpy de 103 pi "Freedom" -- McMillan Yachts

După ce a filmat fotografiile și un mic videoclip cu proiectul finalizat, Earl McMillan a întrebat dacă știu pe cineva care ar putea face o piesă despre restaurare folosind toate filmările și imaginile de-a lungul anilor. I-am adus-o lui David Berez, Post Office Editorial, și el a editat acest articol pentru ei. Wow. Oricine din domeniul restaurării își cade de obicei falca în timp ce se uită la acest proiect masiv. Mare treabă băieți!


22 thoughts on “Restaurarea iahtului cu fantail Mathis Trumpy de 103 pi „Freedom” – McMillan Yachts

  1. so much to say about this restoration , all positive but just kind of sad and a crime to let beautiful wood boat get to this state of decay but i am really impressed that this extensive restoration only took 5 years , seeing how it takes the average guy 5 years to finish painting a picnic table !!

  2. Reminds me of the old saying, “How do you make a plane fly,….money”! Magnificent yacht, workmanship and team. Brought me right back to the days restoring a rotted transom on our Chris Craft in Fall River, Ma in the early 70s.

  3. Nothing left of the original? This was not a restoration, but a new build copying what was left. I guess it's all about bragging rights and being willing to spend whatever it takes. The craftsmanship was outstanding and I hope they were paid well.

  4. Nothing, and I mean nothing, can replace classic yachts. New ones look to be space ships. Old ones have a soul, character, and class.

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