Hold Fast 2007 Documentare completă

Hold Fast 2007 Documentare completă

Hold Fast 2007 http://vodo.net/holdfast Hold Fast: Povești despre marinari maniac, naufragi anarhiști și călătoria S/V Pestilence… Pe parcursul a două ierni, patru membri ai Anarchist Yacht Clubb au salvat o barcă abandonată din apele neospitaliere din Ft. Lauderdale, a numit-o S/V Pestilence și a navigat spre sud, spre Haiti. Hold Fast descrie ceea ce i-a atras pe acești prieteni spre ocean și povestește despre ceea ce au descoperit în mare. Pictează o imagine a S/V Pestilence în contextul tuturor maniacilor navigatori care au venit înaintea lor și, în cele din urmă, încearcă să sugereze că secretul este întotdeauna să înceapă. Site-ul web Blue Anarchy http://www.blueanarchy.org/holdfast/ Regizorul Moxie Marlinspike VODO lucrează direct cu realizatorii de film pentru a aduce filme noi și proaspete comunității de partajare a fișierelor. Această lucrare este lansată sub o licență Creative Commons. Sperăm să vă bucurați de această lansare VODO. DONATE @ http://vodo.net/ VODO caută voluntari care să ajute cu toate aspectele proiectului. Contactați-ne la: info@vodo.net


50 thoughts on “Hold Fast 2007 Documentare completă

  1. Pretty brave indeed.

    Once when riding my bike I realised half way on my trip I forgot to buckle up the chin strap, but continued unbuckled.

  2. 10/10 and a gold star. 'Triffic stuff. With energy, a positive outlook, an open mind, a strong sense of humour and youthful toughness so much is possible as superbly documented here. Many thanks for putting the video together and I hope everything worked out well in the longer term.

  3. Your courage in facing heavy seas in such a small, worn out boat is admirable. Even though you described it, most people have NO idea how fatiguing unrelenting seas are in a small vessel. The ocean beats the shit out of you, sometimes for days!

    A trick I learned, that lessens the pain of being thrown against the bulkhead or on the deck while trying to sleep, is to rig a hammock that sways. It will lessen the shock on your body of the waves hitting the hull. 🙂

  4. WOW, I can't believe that I got brought back here after a Joe Rogan interview about Signal. Crazy. Good people do good things.

  5. I wonder what Moxie is up to these days. Haven't been following the security cons these days. I hope he's doing security.


  7. Nice video to watch, chilled group of people. Until LAUGHING AT THE PLIGHT OF THE POOR FISH THAT WAS SO BADLY AND UN HUMANLY BEING BLUDGENED TO DEATH. Poor taste guys !!

  8. Great documentary, I like the way you filmed the initial start of it, you must have an auxiliary engine in a sailboat, it's a must. Yanmar marine engines are very reliable.

  9. Approaching 30, career, mortgage and other stuff making up the routine creeping up already, watching this left me out of words.

    I can't even start, I mean where do such people come from? Courage to sail ocean on a boat you've fixed and prepared yourself, hard work and learning to actually prepare it, friends you're so chill with you can take a Direct Deposit in front of them and so on, I don't think I've ever met anyone like that. I'm amazed and wish you all the best. What the fuck am I even doing with my life

  10. FreelyGive Truth2 Love

    Hey people, where should I look for trustworthy people to crew my 39 foot Irwin Citation to go from Tampa, Florida to Texas this coming winter?

  11. 😝 Capitalists, Socialists, Communists, Fascists, Zionists, 🤔Anarchists, 🙄Pessimists, 😊Nihilists,

  12. I'm sure you have all learned much since this video was put out. I surely hope you learned to spend the few dollars on a hand fishing setup and you can tow it behind you as you sail..also go to yard sales you can easily find fishing poles and tackle along with camping gear that will be of use and perhaps chain etc. Other thing is to find large stores who throw away unbelievable amounts of quality things

  13. Quickest and most humane way of killing a fish is to take a knife and slice its gills..it's messy but it's best for the fish and the taste of the meat harvested

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