Cum să cârma împotriva vântului. Sfaturi de la marinarul din întreaga lume Brian Thompson

Cum să cârma împotriva vântului.  Sfaturi de la marinarul din întreaga lume Brian Thompson

Pentru cel de-al cincilea videoclip din serie, navigatorul de top și deținătorul recordului mondial Brian Thompson ne împărtășește sfaturile sale pentru o cârmă super-fierbinte.


6 thoughts on “Cum să cârma împotriva vântului. Sfaturi de la marinarul din întreaga lume Brian Thompson

  1. This was OK, yet never touched the sail shape, tight leach line to prevent disturbance, what to do with the sail in big wind, moderate wind and light wind.  Actually left out a lot of info

  2. Now I am no professional.  further, I have never sailed in my life.  But is it wise to follow a cloud.  Do clouds not move themselves:  How can you go straight following a cloud?

  3. Smaller, older boats (IOR-style) must absolutely sail to the waves upwind, or they will stop you dead in your tracks. Methinks Mr. Thompson has not had to sail a non-planing boat under 60' in quite a while… Otherwise, this is a good, very broad-strokes, 5 min. video on steering upwind for cruisers, I'm guessing, so of course there is nothing about sail shape or trimming, or optimum pointing, etc.

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