Cum să tăiați pânzele pentru a merge în sensul vântului. Sfaturi de la marinarul din întreaga lume Brian Thompson

Cum să tăiați pânzele pentru a merge în sensul vântului.  Sfaturi de la marinarul din întreaga lume Brian Thompson

Pentru cel de-al patrulea videoclip din serial, lui Pip Hare i se alătură marinarul solo Brian Thompson, care și-a câștigat 25 de recorduri mondiale, în timp ce explică arta decupării vântului.


26 thoughts on “Cum să tăiați pânzele pentru a merge în sensul vântului. Sfaturi de la marinarul din întreaga lume Brian Thompson

  1. Lets see, if I got this correctly, Pips saying make sure you bring Brian along. This videos for people that already know how to do it and mess up a lot. To give you confidence to relax.

  2. Nicely done and demonstrated. I'm a bit curious though about whether these methods your describing can be applied in racing situations?

  3. Not very useful watching someone simply speak to a camera without the video demonstrating the effects on sail shape. For all the efforts that went into this video, with the big name, music, and voiceover, one would think the video would be more helpful. This is kind of typical of committee-based groupthink. Get your act together over there.

  4. absolute waste of 5 minutes of my life that I will never get back. The idea of making a video is to show the user by demonstration not stutter through a speech whilst trying not to smile

  5. I am afraid I agree with the other comments, that this was not very helpful or clear, although Pip and Brian seem very nice and are obviously very good sailors. There is some explanation of why, such as trim the jib first because it effects the main and moving the jib fairlead aft to spill wind from the top of the jib. But these likely only made sense to those of us who already know why we would do such things.

  6. You said tighter backstay in stronger wind to flatten the sail…did you mean tighten the outhaul? If you tighten the backstay, won't that bend the mast back and get more pocket…deeper sail? Or does that flatten the sail? I'm trying to learn more about fractional rigs…not to troll. Thank you:)

  7. Thank you. What’s your thoughts about having 2 traction points (double sheet) instead of a traveler to trim the main? I am not a racer but like to have a new cruiser as fast and technical as possible. Is the holy traveler a must?

  8. Paul Elvstrom was against any marks on sheets or anywhere actually. His advice? Don't look at a mark. Look at the sail, and then trim it! Of course, he also counselled to practice so much and so hard that you could always sail your boat at top speed..without looking!

    Elvstrom…truly the King.

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