Christopher Cross – „Navigație”

Christopher Cross - „Navigație”

KUTX este mândru că a găzduit Christopher Cross, câștigător de cinci ori Grammy și originar din Lone Star. Talentul său muzical, trupa fantastică și simțul fermecător al umorului (!) au pus un Studio 1A încântat și aglomerat pe deplin în largul său. Și cu hitul său „Sailing”, nu ne-am fi putut simți mai prinși în reverie.


32 thoughts on “Christopher Cross – „Navigație”

  1. I remember when "sailing" came out in the 1980s I was in high school. I knew when I heard this song the first time it would have a great impact on my life. Today Im 60 yrs old and Im still a huge fan. Please carry on Chris. I know there are many more lives to be touched the same way Iam by your music. Thanks!!!

  2. This song is a masterpiece and part of the canvas of many of our lives. It reminds me of driving in the car with my father. Its when I first heard this song and he loved it.

  3. There are only a few who have made the world more beautiful with perfect pop songs. This certainly includes Fleedwood Mac from 1975 and Christopher Cross. Great song, wonderfully arranged!

  4. I like this because it reminds me of a Partridge that used to stalk my garden for worms. Sometimes he would glance up the right (if you can imagine he was approaching from left to right) he had no idea I'd blasted his wife away 15 minutes earlier.

  5. Just saw him in Tahoe, definitely the youngest person there, lol. I loved every second of his show, thank you, Chris… I wasn't sure I'd ever get the chance to see you play, and you came through in the most amazing way.

  6. I have tears in my eyes. I grew up listening to this song. Such pure music for such a beautiful time. Thank you Christopher❤

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