Yachting Teste lunare Omer Wing Sail

Yachting Teste lunare Omer Wing Sail

Poate o vele cu aripă să ușureze viața echipajului, precum și să navigheze mai sus, mai rapid și mai lin? Ilan Gonen, inventatorul Omer Wing Sail, crede că da. Partenerul de catarg Formula Marine ne-a invitat la Montpellier pentru a-l încerca


26 thoughts on “Yachting Teste lunare Omer Wing Sail

  1. You are invited to visit Omer wing-sail web site, to see how simple the wing is.
    It is made of three different sails – two standard main sails and one leading edge sail.
    All three sails are sliding independently along the mast.
    When all three sails are hoisted, we get a wing that one can reef and drop like any other standard sail.
    If something brakes, you still have two mainsails available.
    Ilan Gonen, Omer Wing-Sail.

  2. מאד מרשים! יש תוצאות למאמצים שהשקעתם בשנות העבודה על המפרש! מאחל הצלחה

  3. Innovative high tech design. Can it make sailing faster and easier at a reasonable cost? The sailing industry desperately needs new technology that works for everyday sailors.

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  4. Some indication of the level of performance improvement would be helpful. Are we talking 10% faster? To retrofit a sloop rig, I think it would need to be 30-40% more efficient.

  5. Its new and its revolutionary….no standing rigging, simple line control, tacking ability, no genoa stuff…and then I realised you were talking about a new sail over the burmudan rig and not a wing sail on junk rig..oppps shouldn't say that, this is modern revolutionary stuff…yeah I get it 🙂 but no I wont be changing my wing sail junk for it, its too similar. New is the ability to adjust the leading edge relative to trailing edge by hydraulic ram.

  6. I think I'm going to experiment with this concept and use one of my old inflatable beds, modify it, and try to use it as a inflatable wing sail on my canoe. Lol….Seriously! Then when you are ready to camp overnight, just deflate or take it down and sleep on it.

  7. This is an old video but I think this man's effort is far more successful than most. The rig is relatively simple, uses conventional construction and materials, and is lighter.

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