Super Seal 26 – octombrie 2013

Super Seal 26 -- octombrie 2013

Super Seal 26, Eu și barca mea, Dick Durham, Poole Harbour, octombrie 2013


10 thoughts on “Super Seal 26 – octombrie 2013

  1. A much under-rated design and it's always amazed me that nobody has developed this concept since. Three of my adds friends bought Super Seals on the Shannon Estuary in the West of Ireland in the early '80's and at least 2 are still owned by their original owners who still enjoy them. They sailed surprisingly well and could be parked in the driveway over winter. A brilliant simple and fun yacht and I'm pretty sure it was a Ron Holland design

  2. It's nice to hear reviews of these older models, but a quick spin of the camera would help actually show them better… It's a video after all!

  3. Lovely boat. You could do a long documentary on Graham's sailing. His personality is engaging and we'd all learn a great deal about sailing.

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