Velierul Adornate reprezinta Romania la „Mediterranean Tall Ships Regatta”

Velierul Adornate reprezinta Romania la "Mediterranean Tall Ships Regatta"

Reportaj PRO TV despre velierul hotelului Vega din Mamaia, Adornate, care devine in aceasta toamna primul velier civil care reprezinta Romania la o Regata Internationala. Pe 5 septembrie Adornate a pornit spre portul Barcelona intr-o calatorie pe mare care va dura 2 saptamani, unde se va da startul competitiei „Lycamobile Mediterranean Tall Ships Regatta” (, unde velierul nostru se va intrece cu peste 35 de alte yacht-uri de regata din intreaga lume. Cu aceasta ocazie echipajul de la bordul velierului Adornate va promova in porturile-gazda Regata Internationala din Marea Neagra (, ce va avea ca destinatie finala Portul Constanta
PRO TV news coverage about Vega’s sailing ship, Adornate, which becomes the first civilian sailing ship to represent Romania in an International Regatta. On September 5, Adornate left for the Port of Barcelona in a sailing trip which will take up to 2 weeks. The Lycamobile Mediterranean Tall Ships Regatta will begin in Barcelona and reach Toulon, France and La Spezia, Italy throughout the competition ( Adornate will compete against 35 other regatta yachts from all over the world. A complementary mission for the crew aboard Adornate is to promote the Black Sea Tall Ships Regatta ( which will have the Port of Constanta as its final destination


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