ICON Yachts – Discovery Channel – Superyachts –

ICON Yachts - Discovery Channel - Superyachts -

Pășește-te în lumea în care totul pare posibil; intră în lumea SuperYachts. În această serie, totul despre ICON Yachts. O nouă serie Discovery în care industria olandeză de yachting de lux prezintă personaje de frunte care vă poartă la bordul celor mai exclusiviste iahturi și vă arată tehnologia pioniera din spatele acesteia. Industria olandeză de yachting de lux a fost întotdeauna în fruntea inovației, tehnologiei și designului. Un secol de construcție de nave, valorile tradiționale ale măiestriei, cele mai noi tehnologii și cele mai bune echipamente sunt toate ingredientele pentru o serie spectaculoasă și exclusivă despre industrie și căutarea perfecțiunii.


37 thoughts on “ICON Yachts – Discovery Channel – Superyachts –

  1. I really like this design of boat and if I ever had the sort of money to buy a Superyacht I think I might go for an Icon made one.  On top of the design of the yacht, the interior decor in the yacht is basically modern and light, which is much better. American designs seem to go for dark wood everywhere, which I hate.  
    Anyway, well done for the video.  Enjoyed it.
    BTW, we need some subtitles for the Dutch bits.  

  2. Very interesting, i liked it a lot.
    My admiration goes to the people of ICON Yachts. They are nice and very talented persons !
    I hope they keep on making dreams come true during centuries !

  3. Es fascinante,,,,,,La cantidad de personas que trabajan,,Para crear    Mi hermano,trabaja en una empresa Española que venden Yates,,,,,,Y a el le encantara ,ver esto,,,,,

  4. LOL "as green as possible".  There is no such thing as a green mega yacht.  Think about it. 

    For all you folks complaining.  This documentary was filmed in the Netherlands. English is NOT the national language there.  Are American films all translated for non-English speaking people.  No.

  5. Every mega Yacht is a unique project and therefore it is built according to specific details and wishes from the owner. Two years is very normal, the pre building time (planning and drafting of all the plans ) only can take 2 years. NB: For all the ones who complain for this or that, here my advice given to me from one of my coaches and mentors: For things to change, you have to change. Jim Rohn   If YOU would speak more languages, you could learn more. :) Have a great and successful day.

  6. Okay, I have a few questions:
    1. Why is "modular" construction called innovative? It's been used in shipbuilding for 30 years now, if now more.
    2. How is 30 months per yacht faster than what they call traditional methods? The longest yacht in the world Azzam was built in 3 years. This one is MUCH smaller but it takes only 6 months less. What's the point?
    3. What they call "beach club" is called transom and it's far from "unique feature"; every large yacht has one these days.

    What the heck? Why try to fool potential customers? You think we're stupid?

  7. If you want a good laugh, turn on English auto-generated subtitles 😀 😀 OMG its hilarious 😀 😀 😀 First I was annoyed I couldn't understand the dutch, but the epic (mis)translations more than makes up for it LOL

  8. May I suggest that the yacht owners need to evolve the idea of conducting an year round yacht fare around the world where there are clusters of these mega luxury vessels offering a FULL DAY AT SEA ON A SUPER YACHT for $… so as to utilize the idle time of these expensive possessions, the revenue of which could be spent on the maintenance of these white elephants…

  9. Turta_"+_@.–^^^,,,'ixn7i8smbl
    .n¿¡°▪] *_
    Rspa.. ……. ..


    .ņg . .. . .. . . ……. ………………

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