Cea mai înfricoșătoare navă care a navigat vreodată pe cele șapte mări

Cea mai înfricoșătoare navă care a navigat vreodată pe cele șapte mări

Infama navă a lui Blackbeard, Queen Anne’s Revenge, nu a fost construită inițial pentru a fi o navă de război, dar faimosul pirat a reamenajat nava, adăugând douăzeci și patru de canoane la armamentul său. De la: POVESTEA ADEVĂRATĂ: Pirații din Caraibe http://bit.ly/WLzgq2


29 thoughts on “Cea mai înfricoșătoare navă care a navigat vreodată pe cele șapte mări

  1. lies being told about pirates and then another said that Blackbeard was beheaded. So what the truth to these fake stories of pirate's in the early 1700s.

  2. Every pirate historian: "Real pirates didn´t actually operate vast, magnificent vessels. Instead they would cruise around in tiny dinghy´s."
    Yes, sure, if they were unsuccessfull or a noob!

  3. Actually, the scariest in history was the USS Constitution, and it became the main reason England ended the War of 1812 even after its success on land. After 1912, no world power ever wanted to deal with a fleet of them, and the US became the US. No single ship changed world history as much as this single ship.

  4. If anyone in the comments section ever gets the chance. Go to the North Carolina Maritime Museum in Beaufort NC. Really awesome artifacts from the QAR! They’re always finding new stuff!

    I’ve been a North Carolinian my whole life and just made my first trip to the museum this past weekend and already can’t wait to go back! Check it out if you get the chance!

  5. You guys decided to interview Angus Konstam to tell us about the scariest sail ship?? LOL 😂 I unfortunately picked up one of his books, which literally claimed that the pirates and buccaneers preyed on Spanish galleons, as they were a weak and the easiest target… which is an absolutely laughable statement!

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