Cum să montați un Parasailor Spinnaker pe un catamaran

Cum să montați un Parasailor Spinnaker pe un catamaran

Acest videoclip vă va oferi o idee despre cum am montat un Parasailor pe un catamaran Fountaine Pajot Eleuthera 60. Toate bărcile vor fi ușor diferite, în funcție de lucruri precum locația troliurilor lor etc. Aș fi preferat să folosesc un tip de bloc la prova cu un arc și un cizme de cauciuc, astfel încât să stea în poziție verticală și să fi putut folosi un bloc de întoarcere montat pe puntea plată. care alimentează foile de tip la blocurile de catarg și la trolii, dar acestea nu erau disponibile în St Martin, unde am făcut această instalare înainte de traversarea Oceanului Pacific.


4 thoughts on “Cum să montați un Parasailor Spinnaker pe un catamaran

  1. Nice informative video about the parasailor .  What was the main reason on choosing this ,over an asymmetrical spinnaker on a bowsprit with a furler . Seems to me,they both work the same wind angles , I can not handle 20-25 knots of wind with my asymmetrical  ,  launching and retrieving on the other side ,may also be easier with the ass. spinnaker . I wrote all this without ever trying the parasailor . Please fill in the gaps with Your taught s  in my comparesment of the two . Best to You  from Hungary

  2. Many thanks for your comment. An asymmetric would not be as versatile as a Parasailor for apparent wind angles from 70 to 180 degrees. It is also a very well behaved sail and needs minimal trimming attention. As you say an assy would also not be appropriate in the stronger winds of 20 knots and above. The Parasailor wing acts virtually as an escape valve to exhaust stronger wind gusts while flying it in strong winds whereas a conventional kite would potentially blow out as it could not spill the wind on a cat as they do not round up like a monohull. In our case the boat also did not have a bowsprit and we did not want to add one plus another furler.

  3. Do you still own the FP60? Looking to buy one. ear me in the Caribbean. I saw you on CF also from old posts…thanks ! We are a big family currently cruising looking to upsize 👍

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