Navigare – Rod Stewart

Navigare - Rod Stewart

Rod Stewart – I Am Sailing Versuri I am sailing, I am sailing. din nou acasă, „trece marea. Navig pe apele furtunoase Să fiu lângă tine, să fiu liber, zbor, zbor Ca o pasăre „traversează cerul” zbor, trecând nori înalți Să fiu cu tine, să fiu liber Mă auzi, mă auzi, mă auzi Eu prin noaptea întunecată departe Mor, încercând pentru totdeauna Să fiu cu tine, cine poate spune (x2) Navigam, navigăm Acasă din nou ‘trece marea Navigam pe apele furtunoase Să fim lângă tine, să fim liberi Κατηγορία: Μουσική Άδεια Τυπική άδεια YouTube


24 thoughts on “Navigare – Rod Stewart

  1. ┈┈┈┈┈┈▕▔╲┈┈┈┈┈┈
    ▉▉▉▉▉┈┈┈▕▂▂▂▏┈┈–- A
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  2. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥Wow beautiful upload and music Takis♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥Great work, I love It♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥Lovely greetings Melody Angel ox♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

  3. ✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿
    ✿ Thanks beautiful Takis…✿
    ✿ Have a beautiful day& week. grt patrick…✿

  4. Με χαλάρωσε….με άγγιξε πολύ….με ταξίδεψε….Ειλικρινά μπράβο Τάκη τόσο για την επιλογή όσο και για την παρουσίαση!!! Υπέροχες φωτογραφίες!!!

  5. __οι προβολές πολλές τα like  το ίδιο…κάποιος κάνει όμορφες επιλογές και πανέμορφα βίντεο…!!!!!!!!! ξέρω χαμογέλασες….δικά σου φίλε μου!!!!!!!!!!καλησπέρα όμορφη__

  6. Always loved Rod Stuart's voice! Beautiful video editing! Both lovely pieces of one art or another! Thanks a million for sharing! You're giving this song an extra special touch! 

  7. Takis *****PIĘKNE!!!!*****
    Dodaj uśmiech do uśmiechu, a do tego garść czułości. Dzień przywitaj promieniście, wtedy radość w nim zagości. I zmienność słoneczna, niech i Tobie sprzyja a zły nastrój niech Cię, …z daleka omija… Pozdrawiam i  buziaczki na miły weekend  zostawiam Gabi

  8. I heard this song millions times and it's strange how it suddenly began boring to me, but I decided to hear it again for remembering good old days 🙂 nice vid friend although it is only with images ( pictures ) ..Greeting

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