O velă de probă a noului instalație revoluționară Wingsail a lui Beneteau | Lumea Yachtingului

O velă de probă a noului instalație revoluționară Wingsail a lui Beneteau |  Lumea Yachtingului

Acesta este viitorul croazierei? Matthew Sheahan testează prototipul de vela cu aripi a lui Beneteau. ► Deveniți un ABONAT GRATUIT la pagina YouTube a Yachting World acum – https://www.youtube.com/user/yachtingworld?sub_confirmation=1 ► Pentru cele mai recente recenzii, lansări de echipamente noi și știri despre tur, vizitați site-ul nostru aici – http:/ /www.yachtingworld.com ► Dați-ne Like pe Facebook aici – https://www.facebook.com/yachtingworldmagazine ►Urmărește-ne pe Twitter aici – https://twitter.com/yachtingworld ►Nu ezitați să comentați mai jos! ►Nu uitați să apăsați butonul de LIKE dacă v-a plăcut 🙂


43 thoughts on “O velă de probă a noului instalație revoluționară Wingsail a lui Beneteau | Lumea Yachtingului

  1. Pirate's of yesteryear used fore 'n aft rigs (sloop) because they can sail closer to the wind than anyother type – for very good reason.
    Being upwind enabled them to periodically lob shells onto their victim until they submitted.

    Off the wind, no other boat can compete with a crab-claw sail unless your course requires frequent tacking.

  2. Myself and two partners were at the Miami yacht show back around 1983 and tried to show you guys this way back then but nobody would listen to us the inventor of that type of sale is passed away many years ago now we tried hard to show the world that there’s a better way to make a sailboat travel but nobody would listen. The man’s name was Warner Martin Moss

  3. I remember a chap trying to sell his wing sails at the boat show {Earls Court] back in the early to mid seventies, designed for cruisers, he had little success but a great deal of interest. I wonder if the development and acceptance of wing sails in the racing field will win over the general sailing public ?

  4. There is no mast reinforcement. So, how are the lift forces balanced? It could be some serious issues at strong wind. But please keep working on it and improving the design. The wing sailing has proven itself before.

  5. Funny you say its a new invention when in fact wingsails have been around for decades. My first contact with a wingsail on a cruiser was in the early 2000. Kelsall has always been a strong supporter for wingsails, especially on cats.

  6. Yeah, no. I prefer more classic boats. Where you do tacking yourself, and have sails that aren't more effort to hoist than their worth.

  7. Wharram has been using wing sails for decades, and he developed them from prior designs spanning centuries. This one is a nice combination of sailboarding bows and sail batons, permitting better stability of and control over the shape of the sail.

  8. I’ve known a few sailors who got conked on the head during a “surprise” jibe—one of them actually knocked off the boat and suffering a concussion. I couldn’t tell in this brief video really how much “safer” this wing rig is with a “crash” jibe.

  9. To those who want’s news from this boat I sailed her last summer (2020) from it’s ship yard (Saint-Gilles-Croix-de-Vie) to Port-la-Forêt (south britany, France) and it works pretty well ! We were downwind and we reached 10 Kts With 20kts winds.
    The project has been abandonned due to shipyard decision (cost reduction and changing in project développement). The boat stayed in land for 5 years waiting for a buyer and it turn out to be Michel Desjoyeaux

  10. I would be really interesting to see a rig like this, perhaps a little larger, on a 40-50 foot catamaran or trimaran. I hope they've continued developing this.

  11. So, it has been 7 years. I've been waiting (5 or so versions of this wander through roughly every 10 years; Oceanwings is another one). What is the hold-up?
    Does anyone have a good read on the pitfalls of unstayed masts? Is that the issue?

  12. I wonder how much more lift you can get from this sail vs a conventional modern sail. In Principles of Yacht Design they discuss trying to minimize turbulence over the mast and I can see this design improving that condition.

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