Test de barca Jeanneau 3600

Test de barca Jeanneau 3600

Noul Sun Fast 3600 de la Jeanneau este destinat pieței de curse în creștere, dar și celor care doresc să navigheze cu echipaj complet. Matthew Sheahan testează barca pentru a afla dacă constructorii francezi au creat cu adevărat o barcă cu două scopuri


14 thoughts on “Test de barca Jeanneau 3600

  1. I don't know if those chines really help any, but god are they sexy. If I had $200k to burn I wouldn't be able to spend it on this fast enough.

  2. If I'm obsessed with sea and wind, 200 000-300 000euro to sail 17-18 knots of speed from time to time?? Can it be even more expensive per knot?! Are we so desperate?

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