Skip trece prin modul de a formula un plan de salvare, cum să cântăriți ancora și să spargeți ancora, ce să faceți în cazul în care șprițul dvs. se defectează și ce să faceți dacă trebuie să aruncați ancora într-o criză. ► Deveniți un ABONAT GRATUIT la pagina YouTube a Yachting World acum – ► Pentru cele mai recente recenzii, lansări de echipamente noi și știri despre tur, vizitați site-ul nostru aici – ► Dă Like pe Facebook aici – ►Urmăriți-ne pe Twitter aici – yachtingworld ►Nu ezitați să comentați mai jos! ►Nu uitați să apăsați butonul de LIKE dacă v-a plăcut
Cum să ancorați pentru vreme grea – Skip Novak’s Storm Sailing | Lumea Yachtingului

35 thoughts on “Cum să ancorați pentru vreme grea – Skip Novak’s Storm Sailing | Lumea Yachtingului”
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Thats how its done
Hope you secured that heavy anchor after video.
6 to 1 scope, all chain? Nice!
Great advice and a nice demo. What kind of claw did you use to clap onto the chain? I looked very different from a typical chain hook.
Why are you still using an old style anchor? CQR anchors have a bad reputition of not setting first time and not resetting.
Ok. I understood everything about the proper anchoring technique, but I have a question that is off subject. What is that hanging up in the background? Goat, lamb ? And does anyone know if it's cured? I'm assuming that since there are no comments about it, that it must be a very common thing to have hanging off you vessel. From Oklahoma to the Gulf of Mexico I have never seen wild game or domestic livestock swinging in the wind on a boat of any sort. Can someone please educate me on what I'm seeing?
What if you have to leave the boat on anchor, and wind change 180degree
Very Sensible
now do everything single handed
good stuff. wondered about using a small bit of ahead throttle to perhaps counter the bow swing.
Here in the Florida Keys I use these techniques every time we anchor, even in calm conditions. We frequently have 40+ kt squalls and thunderstorms come through, usually at 2:00 AM when we're sound asleep. It makes sense to me to anchor every time as if we're going to wind up in heavy weather conditions.
Good job. Everyone on the water should know all this, especially oversized anchor and enough chain.
always stressful to trust in motor parts…if the windlass fails ur doomed…cant pull that anchor up by hand…have to leave the anchor and have a back up anchor…yikes. all that trust in the little windlass motor
we have to talk about the animal tied to the arch
Well that convinced me. From now on I'm only choosing crew who have six fingers on each hand..!! . Seriously, thank you for this important basic anchoring demonstration…
Didn't know you had a meat locker onboard
These are sailors.
It would be very interesting to know if Skip Novak uses an anchor swivel? I suspect not.
Opinions about anchor riding sails?
great video thank you
might the bow have less tendency to swing with a steady sail deployed, and tensioned at just the right moment? it'd be easy enough to handle, if necessary.
The second they switch to removing the anchor, the snubber is gone. 7:03
They also didn’t clean the anchor or anchor chain at all, is that step unnecessary?
I’m not as sure that excess weight in an ancor is useful for any situation other than anchoring at Foxy’s on Jost—which is rock hard sand. And the only reason heavier is better than lighter there is that nobody’s anchors set there. All the anchors are just lying on the hard bottom. I dove on a dozen boats. They’re all hanging on the weight of the anchors and chain. That’s it.
He did not say it but you never put the snubber on until the anchor is set. You want shock load to set it and you don’t want to fatigue your snubber.
Very good , thank you , learned something there
I think I would use 7:1 scope minimum in such wind .
Enjoy that cup o' tea
You can tell this is a man who does not suffer fools gladly. You do what he tells you, and he explains and teaches as he goes.
For me the best skip with realistic ideas to really manage major problems of sailing
Good microphone
… the anchor chain weirdly looks like its coming up when you let it out, the frame rate is messing with appearance , , ,ha
He says he not a nylon and says “chain every time” but his snubber is nylon and taking the force of the entire load. He could have a nylon rode and it would not make any difference.
Makes sense.
Really lovely and super to the point. Many thanks
I always use some sort of chafing protection. Carpet or hose ect.