Mahabharatham 12.06.14

Mahabharatham 12.06.14

Mahabharatham | Mahabharata! Bhisman le cere Pandavalor să ducă un război! Bhisman îi binecuvântează pe Pandava și le cere să ducă un război împotriva lui Hastinapuram după ce a adunat o armată. Pandava sunt confuzi să ducă un război împotriva lui Bhisman și Dhronachaariyaar și așa că Draupadi le cere să se consulte cu Krishnan în legătură cu asta. Bhishma le spune Pandavasilor să lupte! Bhishma îi binecuvântează pe Pandava și le ordonă să ducă război împotriva lui Hastinapuram. Pandava sunt reticenți în a lupta împotriva lui Bhishma și Dronacharya, așa că Draupadi le spune să caute ajutorul lui Krishna.


19 thoughts on “Mahabharatham 12.06.14

  1. This is not the question of Draupathi who decided this battle. It is decided by the Almighty. The is between Dharma and Adharma. Whether Draupathi wanted or otherwise this battle would have happened. Secondly, wife of brother is equal to Mother. Instead of adoring her Gauravas looked at her with ulterior intentions and behaved inhumanely.

    No one in the arena had guts to stop the atrocities.

    Each one of you (and I) are responsible and accountable for our deeds. If you sow paddy you will reap paddy only. With how much force you throw a rubber ball on the wall will come back to you with the same force.

    A true friend is the who corrects you when you go wrong.

    When someone does Adharma and whoever stands besides as patrons they will also be considered to have committed the sin. so as Karna.

    Therefore Gauravas, all other Kings supported Dhuryodanan's actions were required to be punished. And that's what had happened.

  2. தர்மத்தை நிலை
    நாட்ட சிலர் அழிந்த்தாலும்
    பாதகம் இல்லை.
    தற்பொழுது நம் நாட்டிற்கு
    இந்நிலை தேவை.
    எங்கும் துரியோதனனும்
    துச்சாதனனும் நிறைந்துள்ளனர்.

  3. yov enna ya mahabharatham yedukurinka!!!Bhisma perceived both pandavas nd kouravas in the same line ….Bhisama nd pandavas didn want d war only Draupadi want the war as that of she is selfish in her own motto of destroying the kuru clan nd Drona….Even Arjuna character is quite admirable here,he keep on saying in mahabharatham destroying clan nd friends is the highest sin nd i won't do it… does not make sense of saying of fight b/w dharma vs adharma ….Duryodhana death is glorified nd he attained heaven….His national r inconsolable abt his death nd they said  felt well protected ,happy under his rule nd they said he ruled well as that of pandu king….if he is adharmavan national wud have celebrated his death….

  4. Do u all know this.. this is story already happen. So no commands required here. Just shut and watch. Just learn what is truth & brave from this story.

  5. No logic: it is Duriyadhanan who refused to return Pandavas land back, if so how come Saguni saying Bheeshma is the one who moulded Pandavas for the war???… Anyway waiting to see the fight of great warriors….

  6. First scene made me cried.. Bhisma is really pity..:'(..just for his promises to secure hastinapur, he have to against pandavas n forced to supports adharma..wat a worse situation of bhisma 🙁

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