Sailing The Swinge, Alderney * GoPro

Sailing The Swinge, Alderney * GoPro

Nicio clipă din partea de sud a Swinge, deoarece am fost ocupați acolo, valuri mai înalte etc. Vreme caldă frumoasă cu ploi recurente. -Race-crews Editat cu iMovie. Muzică: Creative Commons, vezi Dexter Britain pe


4 thoughts on “Sailing The Swinge, Alderney * GoPro

  1. Knowing how  real seas are always much steeper and more oddly shaped than they look through a lens, I wouldn't want to attempt that patch of water on any less of a "nice day" than the one you struck!

    Great video, especially by the patchy standards of youTube: thanks for sharing the experience.

  2. Without doubt the scariest and strangest stretch of water I have sailed. Went through here a couple of times and encountered the worst of overfalls . Never took any notice of charts when they say "Overfalls" because I thought as long as your boat is 35 feet + your're ok (we were 48 feet). sailing at 7 knots (SoG) and suddenly we stopped. Wind seemed to stop, sails luffed, waves coming from 4 directions and I thought we were going to be sucked down into a vortex. It felt like the gunwales of the yacht were 10cm high (Beneteau 47.7) with waves coming at us from everywhere. Experiences like these do make you a better sailor however.

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