Pogo 3 – Noul aparat Mini Transat

Pogo 3 - Noul aparat Mini Transat

Matthew Sheahan navighează pe noul Pogo 3 în La Rochelle și descoperă o mașină puternică, de înaltă performanță, care pretinde că are cu 25% mai multă putere decât generația anterioară câștigătoare a cursei.


17 thoughts on “Pogo 3 – Noul aparat Mini Transat

  1. Nice quick look at the new Pogo 3. I enjoy the fact that the Mini Transat are making the offshore racing scene available to emerging talents with limited budgets.
    However, I do take issue with Mr. Sheahan not wearing a life jacket. That is if not the Henry Lloyd jacket he is wearing is a flotation jacket. Mr. Sheahan is one of the top dogs in yachting journalism. He is respected and should perhaps reflect on this matter in future videos and articles in Yachting World and on You Tube. So should his Editor,  who's  judgement in releasing this was not his finest moment as a proper Mariner. 

  2. The amount of light coming through the hull to deck join doesn't exactly fill one with confidence considering it's designed to cross oceans at speed!

  3. Call that mental then look into the classe mini protos. More recent designs are bonkers. Bath tub shaped with hydrofoils to life the whole boat out of the water.

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