Artist de navigație solo

Artist de navigație solo

Un interviu radio suedez cu Elizabeth Tyler cu diapozitive și înregistrări video. Subtitrări în engleză. Vezi mai multe la sau


17 thoughts on “Artist de navigație solo

  1. I've been following your postings for a couple of years now  and continue to be energized by your fabulous art and adventurous spirit.  Thank you so much for sharing  yourself with strangers..

  2. I feel like you are somehow the me I want to be!  How wonderful. I paint, not like you, and only a bit and only clouds.  I sail my little 20' footer through long rivers and lakes.  It is like when Brian Wilson heard Magical Mystery tour and was like "Oh Shit! The Beatles already did it."

  3. I dream about sailing, I asked my wife would she go sailing with me? And she said "no that i would be going alone." and she is island girl and i am from the valley so its just a dream. so i will enjoy all the videos i can find. keep them coming if you can sailing or painting.

  4. A wonderful talented inspirational lady your late husband would have been very proud of you. Well done and fair winds to you.

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