Performanță = MJM Yachts 50z

Performanță = MJM Yachts 50z

MJM 50z este un schimbător de jocuri eco-inteligent, cu o construcție avansată din compozit, un aspect inovator și cea mai recentă tehnologie de stabilizare. Construcția ei epoxidică mai puternică și ușoară are ca rezultat un centru de greutate vertical foarte scăzut. Acest lucru se traduce printr-o stabilitate mai mare, navigabilitate de categoria A certificată ISO și o călătorie impresionant de confortabilă. MJM 50z a fost primul iaht cu motor din lume care a oferit ca echipament standard Gyrostabilizerul Seakeeper „no roll”.


17 thoughts on “Performanță = MJM Yachts 50z

  1. Mr. Johnstone…two thumbs up for this boat. Well constructed with great features. I "tip my hat" to you, sir. Best wishes for you success. Regards, Bob in Canada

  2. Love Bobs passion and true knowledge and technical knowledge of his boats. Just watched video on Scout 42’, not close to MJM…

  3. am i the only 1 how wonders way People now a day need so many extra like bow and stern trusters to dock a boat
    wile i do understand there handy in situwasions i did luren it the old fashion way whit the roder and if the ship had 2 engines wit the 2 props and i never had any problem docking any boat even under heavy wind
    now that said i do understand its esye whit the use of these exstras
    but a good caipen can dock its ship whit out those
    we even had qwite some fun it the
    locks wen me as 15 year old was dowing the
    locks solo wile the famly was relacksing on the aft deck and seeing oder ship strugeling whit bow and sturn trusters
    and 3 peopole to do it
    and the locks master came out asking those guys if day needed help and wen day responded whit yes pls he pointed at me and said wel he can help geting you fix and day startit geting angry and saying day wut never let a kid on there ship sins it was so exspensif
    just fore a refrens the ship day were in was around the same size and wel clearly not more exspensif

  4. If I ever get a bigger boat, like this, you sold me. I've been studying yachts and riding in boats my whole life. This would be the easiest to operate, while still being a big seas boat. No need for a crew.

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