International Yahting YouTubeNavigația la Marea Neagră Ep 1 Bogdan Grigorescu10 ani ago21 mins Vizualizari: 194 Momente minunate de croazieră prin Constanța source Navigare în articole Previous: CTL PARTY #2 @L’OSTRA CLUB 20/12/14 – TEASER 2/6Next: PRIVILEGE MARINE 2 thoughts on “Navigația la Marea Neagră Ep 1” looks nice! Can there be really high waves like on the Oceans? I guess not…. Does that mean it is rather safe to sail on the Black Sea? hi my friend ) nice video. Do you have instagram account as well? Comments are closed.
looks nice! Can there be really high waves like on the Oceans? I guess not…. Does that mean it is rather safe to sail on the Black Sea?
looks nice! Can there be really high waves like on the Oceans? I guess not…. Does that mean it is rather safe to sail on the Black Sea?
hi my friend ) nice video. Do you have instagram account as well?