Noi (Ben și Rob Hartnett) am avut norocul să facem un tur al noii arme de 100 de picioare a lui Jim și Kristy Clark „Comanche”. Iată-l pe Ken care ne duce prin barcă și îl arată pe Comanche într-o perspectivă care nu este văzută de majoritatea. Este un videoclip lung, unul dintre cele mai lungi pe care le-am făcut, dar asta se datorează faptului că tot ce spune Ken aur absolut. Acest videoclip nu este conceput pentru a fi captivant sau palpitant, este conceput pentru a documenta o barcă incitantă și palpită. Sper sa iti placa!
Turul Comanchelor cu Ken Read.

34 thoughts on “Turul Comanchelor cu Ken Read.”
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Did he say 7 meters? That's 23 feet of draft!
I thought I heard the newer owners had transitioned to powered winches this year…?
Wonder if they will win ?
Great comments on keeping crew involved and active. Even on my small 25ft (7.4) Farr yacht we move the roles around to stay alert.
Illuminati child eaters racing…
Sheeple hard at work to make the butchers look beautiful
i like the carbon fibre toilet
I'm watching the MOB drill carefully and struggling to make it out. Did two people swim out? Is that a little RC torpedo that pays out the halliard so fast? All pretty cool and must make the crew feel better.
Is it true that Comanche was sold after this year's Sydney Hobart race?
Revolutionary yacht and a wonderful tour and explanation by Ken Read – Thanks for posting
3:00 the owner of the new england patriots makes money from the team, jim most deff does not with this boat haha
What an awesome race boat… Ken is also a great guy, had a chance to meet him at Bayview Yacht Club in Detroit.
You can listen to Ken until 13:22 Then you finally get inside…
I SO want one of those coffee cup holders!!!!!
In democracy: system made by the people for the people, economic exchanges are fair.
It can be seen in this video.
I was expecting an extraordinarily spartan interior, but two camping stoves and a carbon toilet smack-dab in the middle of the room… Holy hell
The biggest luxury on the entire vessel is that the navigator actually gets a real desk and chair
Wow what a toy to have .
Its not what I want but its cool .
Want to be on deck if something goes wrong
what should if the most rigging especially by snails rolls change down at plastik gears down teetwheals not need rope weight.with accelerator servowinch what said mechanical simpley
Awesome boat, can Jim and Christie buy me one please
thanks for the tour..
Nice watch, Ken.
I wonder if you could copy the design of a boat like this, but make it out of marine plywood instead of carbon fiber to make it more affordable for a less affluent sailor?
whats a reaching condition?
Milford CT represent!!
Imagining I had chosen to be a sailor as a teenager rather than the path I have trudged along.
I can shave another day off the record if I can get my hands on a sailing hydrofoil.
A video of the Comanche, that shows the Comanche 30 seconds and 45 minutes of a man talking about the boat.
I had a hunter 29.5ft racing sloop. It was so much fun.
Just too many things wrong with it, and didn't have the money to fix everything so ended up selling it. I do miss sailing
Yes I know more thanks to all of you
And I thought golf was an expensive sport.
Great piece, allowing us to see & better understand the powerful innovations on spectacular Comanche. However I found the sound effects for the video intro & scene transition very unpleasant…blaring, unnecessary & too loud for comfort; the interview sound quality however was excellent, very professional.