„Goodfellas” Cea mai bună scenă HD

„Goodfellas” Cea mai bună scenă HD

„Goodfellas” este un film polițist american din 1990, regizat de „Martin Scorsese”. A primit recenzii pozitive din partea criticilor. Filmul a fost nominalizat la șase premii Oscar, inclusiv cel mai bun film și cel mai bun regizor, și a câștigat pentru „Joe Pesci” la categoria Cel mai bun actor într-un rol secundar. Filmul lui Scorsese a câștigat cinci premii de la Academia Britanică de Arte de Film și Televiziune, inclusiv cel mai bun film și cel mai bun regizor. „Goodfellas” este adesea considerat unul dintre cele mai mari filme ale tuturor timpurilor.


22 thoughts on “„Goodfellas” Cea mai bună scenă HD

  1. It's only your Father that has To be Italian to become a made Member. Your mother does not need to be Italian. The movie got this part wrong.

  2. I’ll tell you one thing and I’m not ashamed to say it:

    My estimation of Jimmy Conway as a man just fucking plummeted!

    To cry like a woman?

    It’s a fucking disgrace!

  3. This movie is a masterpiece…even if I truly hate Tommy this scene showing him with his ma before the ceremony,like he is going to graduation and how jimmy reacted after made me sad for his death…great movie

  4. I always thought Henry misread Jimmy's emotions in the hours leading up to the phone call. He's actually nervous, he knows there's a possibility Tommy could get wacked. You even hear him say as much under his breath after he gets the news "I knew it"

  5. Can someone help me find a movie. There was kill in a movie I seen around 25 years ago where somebody was put in an oil barrel and dropped into the ocean from a dock.

  6. The 100% requirement is why it failed. They tried to isolate. The mob was never stronger than in the 20's and 30's when it was the world's fcking family.
    Oh well. The Micks and the Jews went on to better things. 🤣

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