Principatul Baldoniei exterioare

Principatul Baldoniei exterioare

susține acest vlog: Astăzi, o lecție de istorie despre națiunea pescarilor care au înfruntat Uniunea Sovietică și au câștigat. Un fel de.


3 thoughts on “Principatul Baldoniei exterioare

  1. The Prince of Princes' many grandchildren are loving the resurgence in Outer Baldonia postings! Thanks, Smith, for this thorough study of our grandfather's storied island. We (all of us U.S. east coasters) are hoping to visit someday.

  2. Thank you so much Smith for this great history! I also tell the great tale of Outer Baldonia in my book Raising America's Zoo. (Mascot Books 2017) We would love to visit one day.

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