Marinarul salvat a mâncat pește, a băut apă de ploaie pentru a supraviețui

Marinarul salvat a mâncat pește, a băut apă de ploaie pentru a supraviețui

Louis Jordan pescuia pe o barcă cu pânze când s-a răsturnat. După 66 de zile pe mare, marinarul salvat a descris cum a supraviețuit. Raportează Martin Savidge de la CNN.


5 thoughts on “Marinarul salvat a mâncat pește, a băut apă de ploaie pentru a supraviețui

  1. That guy gained weight! Must have been really good fish. Oddly, all over the California coast you can barely find a fish right now!  CNN, remove the stupid banners, they ruin the view of the event.  I'm having a tuff time believing this story.  Maybe because I read Kon Tiki and Aku Aku. And some other stories from when there really were fish in the ocean. They don't just jump into your hands.

  2. Why is there so many dislikes? People are fucking idiots here. This is a truly inspiring story and thank you for sending it to us. I'm glad he's alright.

  3. Good to see someone still giving the glory to God. This guy knows some stuff now that 99% of ppl will not believe even if he tells them

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