Cum să legați și să știți când să folosiți nodul potrivit este cheia unei legături de succes! Cele 5 noduri de navigație cele mai frecvent utilizate și cum le folosim. Oferim expediții de navigație pe coastă și offshore. Du-ți abilitățile la următorul nivel. CUM SE LEAG: (1) Zeppelin Bend (2) Constrictor Knot (3) Round Turn și două jumătăți de prindere (4) Rolling Hitch (5) Cleat Hitch Ne poți alătura la bordul Rocinante nostru Norseman 447 pentru o expediție Morse Alpha… antrenament pe coastă și offshore. Suntem specializați în răbdare, comunicare, navigație în cuplu, navigație tradițională și maximizarea distracției minimizând stresul. Îi învățăm pe oameni să navigheze de două decenii. Suntem amândoi căpitani licențiați USCG, cu peste 30 de ani de experiență combinată în antrenamentul cu vele. Ajutăm oamenii să navigheze mai departe, mai în siguranță și cu mai multă încredere. VIDEO SERIA 5 NOduri: 5 NOduri de bază în aer liber: 5 NOduri cu barca: 5 NOduri SWIFTWATER SALVARE: : FACEREA O BRATĂ DE SUPRAVIETUIE: –– Blog: Film de navigație: Antrenament de navigație: http: //
5 noduri de navigație esențiale – Cum să le legați și când să le folosiți
46 thoughts on “5 noduri de navigație esențiale – Cum să le legați și când să le folosiți”
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One figure eight only for a USCG approved cleat hitch. I know bc I was called out for doing this after doing it incorrectly for about ten years. I always used to do two figure eights copying the round turn and TWO half hitches method.
🙂 Subbed. You guys made me smile
shes beautiful….
Interesting knots ………. but I must say that you've got a mesmerizing smile Teresa!, God bless.
I like to call the zeppelin bend the 69 band XD
Great info. Consider renaming it to 5 Knoty Things Every Sailor Should Know…
Too bad you guys aren't over here in Washington, I'd totally sign up! I'm practicing my knots before starting a season on the Adventuress, really like how you guys explain things and the applications of the knots! Especially like the Rolling Hitch demonstration, which to me is the best tutorial I've found on the knot.
That’s the best sailing knot video I’ve seen. Great examples and perfect instruction. Nicely done!
7:49 speed 0.25…… super creepy
Love your vids guys. Just discoverd your channel and subscribed :). Hope to see you guys soon somewhere at sea. Sailing a 34 ft aluminium boat single hand myself, you can check out my channel when you've got some time at
Keep up the awesome vids
Thanks Y'all,, very helpful information..!!
best how to tie a knot video at youtube! cheers from brazil!
Love the "kissy fish" anlalogy. Incredible to help me remember it. Thanks!
I'd love to see more videos like this… where you two show the real-world application for something and give explanations for the why's and why nots . Great stuff; keep it up!
Thanks guys! Where are You all at? Looks very cold!
A superior version of the taut-line hitch to the rolling hitch is the midshipman's hitch. It is not any harder to tie and gives more friction. Thank you for the demonstration of using it to free a winch.
#4 The Rolling Hitch
Is practically tied the same way as the taughtling hitch
Very useful but i believe this guy does his cleats the best
nice videos
Might you mean red, blue and green. These are the primary additive colors. But I might have missed your color point cause I was paying so much attention to your awesome knot lessons. Thank you.
What is a "naaaaaaaaaaaaaaart".
Yall seem to be genuinly sweet friendly people, thank you for the video.
They’re lines not ropes
Nice video! I feel sorry for sailors in New England. You should move down south were the water is warm and inviting.
Hi Cuz 🙂
Too many wraps on that cleat. Not necessary.
rule 4: always concentrate when pronouncing "cleat"…
Great video. I prefer the midshipman's hitch to the rolling hitch.
GREAT video! This is now part of my regular sailing training portfolio for new crew. Where is your slippery hitch video???
Hi! Quick question about bends: I'm partial to a sheet bend for extending my lines, but I've not used it on a sailing context before. Have you have any experiences with it?
A good Alternative to the Zeppelin Bend is the Hunters Bend a slightly more intricate bend with excellent qualities, also good fun to tie.
As an instructor myself, I found your choice and explanations very refreshing.
Cheers Guys!
excellent vid- lovely people
She's so damn lovable!!
Such a great video! I love it when I see women as sailors, as competent human beings!
How to tie 50 sailing knots
What do I do with extra lengths of loose rope? (23 foot cutter with 18 lines!) btw you have great demonstrations!
Thank you for an entertaining and useful video, standing the test of time it appears!
You guys are just amazing and beautiful. Thanks. Love the video.
Is the Constrictor Knot also used on anchors?
How is the Constrictor Knot different from the Clove Hitch used to tie an object?
I did it myself. I used Stodoys woodworking plans for this.
Hey, when you were recording the Constriction Knot video, behind you there is a rope tided to two poles. This knots look like clove hitches, am I right? Thank you for your videos. 🙂
Hey, do you think the "Round Turn & Two Half Hitches" Is a good car towing knot?