iHack @ International Sailing Academy – Clinica laser Downwind

iHack @ International Sailing Academy - Clinica laser Downwind

Mi-am luat ceva timp din programul meu neîncărcat pentru a naviga la clinica de aval a academiei internaționale de navigație în aprilie 2015. Am adăugat câteva comentarii în videoclipuri. Sper sa iti placa


8 thoughts on “iHack @ International Sailing Academy – Clinica laser Downwind

  1. good stuff. An unstable boat (less vang and not as sheeted in) is faster but harder to control. if you can control it and are sure of what you are doing, you can run rings around the others. Also try to let the boat glide a bit and make distance on the mark once you catch a wave, instead of luffing up straight away..

  2. Hi Isaac this stuff is really helpful. Just a couple of questions.

    1) At 1:57 you say that your sheeting is wrong and that you should pull in the main sheet once the turn is complete. You mean you should sheet in after completing the change of direction when heading up? That is, you press on the leeward side of the boat, the boat changes direction, and only then do you sheet in?

    2) And "drop the sheet when the boat is about to slow down"… when does this happen? Right when you start bearing away by heeling to windward (downturn)?

    What I can gather from this is that you should sheet out at the beginning of the downturn when you're heeling the boat, and sheet in after the pressing on the leeward deck has effectively turned the direction of the boat?


  3. Very nice and instructive clip (especially turn intervals and angles). Shouldn’t you look back more often when sailing downwinds to check waves and wind gusts?

  4. Nice work Isaac! Learned a lot watching you and can't wait to get out to The International Sailing Academy very soon for my first clinic. Thanks for posting.

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