La testare: – crucișătorul superrapid Gunboat 55 | Lumea Yachtingului

La testare: – crucișătorul superrapid Gunboat 55 |  Lumea Yachtingului

Yachting World testează noul Gunboat 55 – probabil cea mai tare și mai versatilă pisică de croazieră rapidă din lume. Pentru raportul complet și alte imagini, faceți clic aici ► Deveniți un ABONAT GRATUIT la pagina YouTube a Yachting World acum – ► Pentru ultimele recenzii, lansări de echipamente noi și știri despre tur, vizitați site-ul nostru aici – ► Dă Like-ne pe Facebook aici – ►Urmăriți-ne pe Twitter aici – https :// ►Nu ezitați să comentați mai jos! ►Nu uitați să apăsați butonul de LIKE dacă v-a plăcut 🙂


41 thoughts on “La testare: – crucișătorul superrapid Gunboat 55 | Lumea Yachtingului

  1. I'm a bit put off at the lack of using the space that they could design into such a craft. Early on (in the 60s and early 70s) 65 ft trimarans had cabins to sleep 20!

  2. Very nice……obviously long and lean and build for speed. If you fly a hull is there any safety system to prevent a tip over, or to prevent it from digging the leeward hull in too deep and turning turtle ( upsidedown) ?

  3. You spend god knows how much money for this boat and you end up with a bed on which you cannot have 3 dimensional sex!

  4. I can't understand what he is doing with the helm. It seems to take a lot of effort to stay on course and then he lets the wheel loose for a second. And the jumble of lines going into the large line holder seems like it would be a tangle tub. Personally, I don't like this boat.

  5. All other boats are ordinary for you. Never for me, I love my 22ft, and there are many boats I really appreciate. If for you the biggest and luxurious is what matters, I guess snob is top priority. For me there are way more than that, it is something priceless, something you probably won't understand.

  6. If I got a dollar for every time someone commented on YT saying… ‘now I only need to win the lottery’… I’d have enough money for 100+ of these.

  7. I’ve been watching this video for years and only just now noticed….he got a lil tipsy after lunch lol!!! A few too many G&T’s

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