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In celebration of your 5 year anniversary of videos, I want to thank you two for your inspirations. Don’t Buy a Couch is only the beginning. We are about to retire and want to live for the experience and not the stuff. Here’s just a short list of how you have inspired us over the last five years:
1) it’s not always about the stuff
2) you can achieve excellence with what you have, it just takes a little creative thought and some effort
3) you don’t always have to buy your way past a problem
4) use every challenge to learn and improve yourself as you overcome them
5) don’t rush through your projects or life. Taking your time and doing things right makes for a much better experience in the end
6) don’t be afraid to make a wrong decision. No decision is worse. It’s just a first step to something greater even if it takes changes latter
7) most important. Every journey begins with Uma, which stands for the first step….
We selling our couch!!
Are you married?
watching the two of your grow over the years has been my privilege. Thank you for making these videos an showing us that dreams are possible.
This has to be one of my all time favorite encouraging yt videos!! Excellent advice!!

Watched my first of your vids a couple days ago on the NASA type solar, then the room tour and then, I decided to jump all the way back to Step 1, because the room tour and the level of DIY I’ve seen on a boat till now is of the charts.
I’ve binge watched another sailing channel a couple of months ago and I reckon yours is next.
Beautifully inspirational!! Thank you!!
Would love to try those wind driven carts! Safe travels
Punk rock lifestyle forever….
I'm old been watching since you were doing the first refit in Florida.
I've been watching for years, but I'm stuck, you came to the USA, got free education from our taxpayers, then chose to go off and travel the world, haven't helped anyone along the way using your skills, and are just traveling to travel. Your hard work, and the efforts you put into your videos are amazing, and fun to watch, but I keep looking back to see how you just abandoned your careers, threw it all away.
I've been following you all these years and today step 1 appeared in my feed, I decided to review it. Kika's voice seems kind of "childish" compared to today
I can't believe I didn't see this video before now. Very cool…and I very likely appreciate it far more after almost-avidly watching your more recent content. Stay awesome. Thank you!
It’s been soo long since I watched this video for the first time! So excited to see what crazy plan you have for Uma now with your refit!
Amazed. Also a former architect. And two of my best friends from arch school are now sailing the world together, after meeting in arch school, and i too have long dreamed of the sea life.
FInally, coming back to binge from the beginning
I enjoy watching your video's! You both make a super couple and inspire others to "step out" and be adventurous!!
This will be long. I don’t think many will get to the end. I watch you two and have fond memories of past. Im so happy for the path you have taken and I know it’s not always easy. Keep it going as long as you enjoy it. Thank you for the many years of some of the best entertainment on the net. I’d rather watch you than most everything else. I can’t afford to become a higher member unless I sell my home. Really. The price I pay as a senior after my wanderlust took precedent.
I know you kids don’t have time to reply but would like feedback from readers. I’m not really looking for a move in , just a sailing partner hopefully here without the elitism. I’m more of an adventurer than anything,
I have a condo now and once lived on a sailboat many years ago and in 2007-2014 lived in Portland and sailed with friends on sailboats about the size of Uma. After many of my friends paired off as seniors or moved away I moved back east near my kids, currently in Charleston and the best adventure sailing city. My kids are nearby and have good careers but I feel like I’m living someone else’s life. I’m a natural nomad having lived in many cities in may countries and after degrees in paralegal, social work, social studies education, I’m not happy. It seems there are few seniors here the same. They mostly sail their expensive motor toys on the weekends and stay in semi-mansions here on Daniel Island during the week. Im now considered house rich (well not exactly rich) but can afford to sell and enjoy my life but all the sailing partners are gone or too sick or not about to have a woman around. I’ve traveled by myself for all of my life and have thought about joining a local sailing club. Maybe there are other women like me. I’m seeking advice. Help! And you kids. I think you deserve a million viewers! Soon. I tell everyone! Eventually as the body parts start aching or when you take the next step in your plan I’m sure you will be successful. You still have many places to go. If you ever plan to go tomGreece let me know, maybe I’ll meet you there. I have family still there in those beautiful blue waters.
I've been watching Sam Holmes Sailing and Sailing Triteia for a while now. Looking forward to watching your journey.
Just a small note about sofas, they are nice to sit on and rest on. You will have one or more sofas in your boat or the nice new land rover so….
And think of all your stuff in storage…..
You have stuff too.
The truth is that you need stuff, otherwise you get to experience everything virtually in your thoughts, like monks do.
Thank you for being an inspiration. Its not always unicorns and rainbows, but there is no substitute for hard work and persistance. It always pays off, congratulations and looking forward to many more years