Marinarul solitar Liz Clark își numește barca, Swell, carul visurilor ei. A fost casa ei în ultimii 10 ani, dându-i un bilet către libertate și un mijloc de a explora valurile îndepărtate ale Pacificului de Sud. Recent, ea a pornit spre Tuamotu pentru a se alătura lui Kimi Werner și Léa Brassy pentru 10 zile de surfing și scufundări în mijlocul unora dintre cei mai frumoși atoli din lume. Explorează mai multe:
Zece zile Tuamotus cu Liz Clark
28 thoughts on “Zece zile Tuamotus cu Liz Clark”
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Excellent video . That was my dream, get a boat and sail .
wow looks so much fun ! have you shared this on soSALize ( . net ) ?
Gotta be honest. I'm getting really freaking tired of people saying "I didn't like my life, so I got a boat and checked out." Like shit, I'm barely breaking even at the end of each month. I hate this and would love to just take off. And "just do it" is bullshit.
Belle leçon de courage d'organisation et de technique à tout les niveau , le tout accompagné de superbes montage video , bravo et merci de port camargue ;
Very suggestive
Cuidese mucho!!
I bought her book and read it in 4 days
Surfed one session with Liz in Costa Rica at Playa Escondido. She was anchored in Herradura Bay because the Los Suenos Marriot marina wouldn't give her a slip.
She surfed much better than is shown in this video,she ripped.
Wow, what a load of crap!
Wow. Just plain fantastic.
you are awesome! ^~^ I respect you! ^~^
HAPPY NEW YEAR LIZ……………………XX just wanna say i love all your vidz and that CAT one offa kind be safe with care God love ya
why does everybody ruin shit by being overly sentimental?
its all about me me me!!!
Not one interesting thing to say!!
And gettin your mates on to give you a backslap to further your brand!
Great video,many thanks
Is this disguised advertising for Patagonia?
Liz is a true Renaissance women & what a shredder!
Nice boat! 👍
Thank you Liz Clark!
wow love her lifestyle♡
Why hasn't Patagonia designed & manufactured a composting head or a bucket clothes washer-drier by now. Y'all lazy about sustainability.
Please release this song!
Amazing. What a life.
I just started Liz's book. There are a lot of people behind this one person.
Another great video
Very nice video…but again only people with tons of money can afford a sailing boat and dont have to work hard in a 7 to 5 job like me….all this lifestyles…calling simply livin are for the born rich kids….i am not jealous dont get me wrong but where are the everyday people who are not privileged but want to have an adventures livestyle…and its a shame telling that she feels natural playing with the local kids on the island …sorry but its a typical tourist point of view…
And where did the money come from?