Sondajul Sailing este acum LIVE! Citiți mai multe:–an-overview?oldschool=1 Joacă Old School Runescape aici: http://oldschool.runescape. com/oldschool_index Old School Runescape este o versiune de joc retro a Runescape din 2007 pe care am returnat-o la cererea comunității. Comunitatea controlează direcția de dezvoltare a Old School Runescape votând ce actualizări ar dori să primească. Alăturați-vă comunității aici. Facebook – Twitter – Google+ – Blogul comunității – http://,318,174,65013343 Forumuri –,318 Urmărește live la /runescape
Old School RuneScape – Trailer de navigație

40 thoughts on “Old School RuneScape – Trailer de navigație”
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bro is back
It’s time guys!
Wtf is this shit. How did it win fro; Shaman?
oh no
They defo rigged the poll lol.
2023 sailing Lessgooo !
the day of reckoning is upon us…. This is why i knew it was rigged from the start, they wanted this shit to pass because they already had somewhat of a road map for it laid out. Fucking bullshit
Wake me up (Can't wake up)
Welp. 7 years early Jamflex. But you did it.
7 years later this is no longer a meme… I don’t know whether to be excited or worried..
Free odabloxk you jagex mods are corrupt and full of greed kYS
When the memes are no longer memes.
They secretly made this skill to get my $10/month back
i hope this skill is the HUGEST FATTEST GOLD SINK IN HISTORY
i hope it deletes trillions of gp like construction tried to.
i hope they get it right this time
this game needs such a insane gold sink its not even funny.
idc if they make boats 100mil each plank or some crap
make the skill a billionair skill so it deletes gold.
This skill will discourage returning players like nothing else. Completely removes the old school from old school runescape. Beginning of the end everyone. Just like summoning in rs2. Good job jagex, you pkd the enjoyment out of the game for many players.
On the bright side I will never have to spend time or money on this game again. Nope just this last comment.
Welcome to New School RuneScape, all aboard the sinking ship.
7 years ago, I voted against this. Today I voted against this. Some people just want to ruin the game. The name of the game is old. Changes make it new. Some people and their children. I want to go back to the old old school runescape. Like when old school first came out.
Idgaf what they do with it ,they better atleast give some f2p stuff to do with the skill to make it natural as any other skill don't fucking member lock it ye caunts
alright boys im coming back to osrs after 6 long years
Sailing will never be in the game!!
Everything they are designing now look like this lol probably just reusing this exact pitch

I just want to sail East to The Wushanko Isles where Ak-Haranu is from
New poll for sailing on August 2023 ensure to vote yes!
Time to compare
vote yes
me and a friend returned like 2 months ago :(:(
Its finally here
Sailing just passed the 2023 poll so that means the sailing skill is guaranteed coming into runescape in 2024 it's official now!
Hell yes sailing pass the poll in 2023!!!
The skill is coming to RuneScape in 2024!!!
So the Sailing skill has been announced on the 31st of August, 2023 on the Oldschool RuneScape official homepage of its future release titled 'Sailing Poll Results Summary'. I'll be most likely released in 2024 or definitely 2025.
'We're aiming to release in late 2024' – According to Jagex.