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Moartea Accident de mașină: S-au lansat filmări în mașină
24 thoughts on “Moartea Accident de mașină: S-au lansat filmări în mașină”
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Young people who've not yet learned to place any value on their own lives. RIP.
A 20 yo brain isn’t fully developed enough to drag race. Rip
Such videos will never prevent dumb people from doing such stupid things again and again. It is sad for the families and friends of the dead.
Act stupid….get stupid results
One day i will go like this 🙂🙂💯
wheee is that user who writes comment .
. its fake?
Living in Tun Wells at the time I just remember this, but he should have said slow down a lot sooner. Sorry but I have no sympathy, thankfully no one else was killed by his driving
I'm not sure what was worse: the camerawork or the music?
People could end up in something worse than death, paralysed forever and or brain damaged
Isn't is sad how they died and lost their lives for no reason? What's the point of this ? It's sad mate.
Drive defensively because you never know if the guy driving next to you is on drugs.
1:00 the red flash on his eye kinda revealed he's the main villain of this scenario.
no sympathy what so ever
I didn't see anything "disturbing" in this video, why the disclaimer?
I was caught in a peer pressure situation in college just outside Boston, where the driver was hammered. I was one of six guys and I was freaking out, knowing that this joy ride was how I was going to die. We were skidding all over the place and nearly hitting light posts, 100mph in the suburban streets… we eventually made it to the next party and thankfully stopped. I walked home angry and vowed, never, never, ever would I be in a situation like that again. I was 19 and now I'm a Father of 3 and well into my 50's. I have stayed true to my vow.
1:40 1:39
Dumb and dumber?
GTA 5 Be Like..
That awful music in the background, that is the worst part.
I am so sorry for your sacrifices and painful losses❤️❤️🩹
Wtf are the voices at the end??? Creepy
Let's boycott google advertisers, send an email to every google advertiser telling them you will never buy ANYTHING advertised on google.
"And this is the way the world ends, not with a bang, but a whimper!" What stupid brats!