Țiganii de mare: partea îndepărtată a lumii

Țiganii de mare: partea îndepărtată a lumii

Trailer pentru film – www.seagypsies.com Nava este Infinity, o barcă țigănească construită manual de 120 de picioare, echipată de o bandă de răufăcători. Călătoria, o traversare a Pacificului de 8.000 de mile, din Noua Zeelandă până în Patagonia, cu oprire în Antarctica. Spre deosebire de toate celelalte bărci care se îndreaptă spre Antarctica, Infinity nu este un super iaht bine finanțat, întărit cu gheață, echipat de marinari profesioniști bine plătiți, cu agende atent gândite. Infinitul trăiește în clipa și navighează dintr-un capriciu, fără permisiunea sau asigurarea de niciun fel. Ceea ce poate fi găsit din abundență la bord este sânge, sudoare, entuziasm, dispreț pentru autoritate și o cantitate mare de alcool, o călătorie nebună de aventură nesăbuită doar pentru fiorul ei. Pe parcurs, echipajul se va lupta cu un uragan de forță 12 de gheață în Marea Ross, va ajuta grupul radical de mediu Sea Shepherd în lupta lor cu balenierii japonezi, va rupe fiecare velă pe care o au și, fără să vrea, va merge mai la sud decât orice altă navă cu vele în 2014. La baza dramaticei aventuri navigabile, se află căutarea uimării și a simțului de mirare cu puterea brută a lumii naturale. Povestea atinge teme de activism ecologic, un ecosistem în scădere rapidă și o aventură brută, care nu este rezervată elitei. Urmărește filmul complet gratuit pe Amazon Prime – link-uri pe pagina web www.seagypsies.com Câștigător al numeroaselor premii și ales pentru turneul mondial al filmului Banff Mountain și Turneul mondial al Festivalului de Film Ocean Regizat, montat, filmat, produs și povestit de Nico Edwards


42 thoughts on “Țiganii de mare: partea îndepărtată a lumii

  1. Watch the doc a bunch of times a while back. Have since ‘lost it’ so will have to buy it again. Properly good stuff. Thank you for making it

  2. Just watched it (on Amazon)… wow! Glad there are untethered souls like Clem and crew who 'want' the 'rest' of the world, so we can hear about (see it!) the easy, safe way. Take care..

  3. As a long time blue water sailor, I was absolutely appalled by this film, and the publicity stunt it is based on. These are not real sailors taking calculated risks in the interest of liberating adventure, but rather a collection of dope smoking idiot thrill seekers with no useful skill, comprehension of responsibility, or integrity. This film demonstrates perfectly that arrogant fools are genuinely proud of their own ineptitude and incompetence. Serious offshore sailing requires meticulous planning and well disciplined allocation of resources. Well stocked with alcohol (anathema on a real offshore boat), but not with (at least) one full set of spare diesel fuel injectors? Decide to re power two days before departure? Run the boat in all manner like a garbage scow? Populate your "crew" with navel gazing fools that possess not a whit of real boat handling, much less, sailing experience? The so called captain wastes his money on a ferro cement boat? Anyone with real knowledge of boats knows that a ferro cement hull is the equivalent of a Yugo or a Chevette. Always built by amateurs, they rot in water like a banana on a hot roof. The captain risks the "boat", himself, and his "crew" to being willing dupes/decoys for environmentalist whackos who are too chickens**t to do their own dirty work? If this were not real, it would make for a type of grotesque comedy. Quackery produced by charlatans for consumption by the naive and stupid who know nothing about sailing or boats. This ought to be the Forest Gump of adventure films, in which, stupidity is glorified and is made into a characteristic which one should aspire to. A self masturbatory filmed salute to idiot self involved gratification.

  4. What’s the song that played during the cape Adair adventures “there’s a reason that we came here”? Groovy song, and I can’t find it anywhere!! Great film fellas very inspiring

  5. Great doc. I googled the boat and found it for sale for $490,000. Listed as being a 120’ JMonroe 120 ft. Ketch in Vanuatu. Does that mean the dream is over or continuing in a new boat? I hope the later.

  6. In a constant state of emergency, multiple blunders, this is a doc on exactly how NOT to sail. And how careful u shld before boarding w a group of ignorants. I didnt find their disregard cute at all. Termites and all. Smh and lol. Kinda pathetic and sad tbh. U all shld live the rest of ur lives in high gratitude for this epic flight of stupidity u somehow survived.

  7. Absolutley fucking brilliant 😍😍😍
    Something for us to all strive towards.
    One of the best documentaries I have seen!!
    Stay safe, hopefully we cross paths some day!

    A mad voyage of exploration just for the sheer joy of it. Well done

  8. Early morning and I was searching for something to watch preferably a documentary and I stumbled across this. It was truly amazing! It makes some of my scary journeys on Lake Erie look like being in a pond! Extremely good documentary!!

  9. Ok, I’m retired navy, submarine service, got a good 1000 days underwater – your movie ought to be called “Strokes of Luck, AKA, The Moron Squad Puts To Sea”
    What a group of clowns!! Pathetic!!!

  10. Awesome sea tribe wished I was onboard. As ex Navy I'm embarrassed now of my sewing skill level. Need to level up. Awesome doc.❤️

  11. Truly the bravest people in the whole world. Their individual intelligence is truly the most impressive group I have ever witnessed in this or any other documentary.

  12. I love the Laser capsized on the afterdeck. I know not what other men choose, but I would never undertake a polar expedition without at least one Laser aboard!

    And dammit, get a man and a hammer on that foredeck and clear it of ice!

  13. Sorry, but I wouldn’t get on a bus and drive across town with these guys. Talk about totally unprepared, and dangerous. They’re lucky they didn’t sink with their termite infested, contaminated fuel, wreck of a boat.

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