Urmărește momentul terifiant în care un bărbat se agață de nava de croazieră înainte de a sări în ocean

Urmărește momentul terifiant în care un bărbat se agață de nava de croazieră înainte de a sări în ocean

Un bărbat a fost filmat agățat de o barcă de salvare la bordul unui vas de croazieră, în timp ce pasagerii îngroziți încercau să-l împiedice să cadă în mare. Scena înfiorătoare a avut loc în Oasis of the Seas din Royal Caribbean. Bărbatul nu părea să vrea niciun ajutor: el a… #InsideEdition


45 thoughts on “Urmărește momentul terifiant în care un bărbat se agață de nava de croazieră înainte de a sări în ocean

  1. I don't think he jumped….When I look at the video closely, it looks as if he slid off . He had just gotten a grip before actually losing his grip. His arms weren't up in the air as a person who jumps. He may have meant to jump at some point, that's another story or not, but at that moment he looked like he slid off. This is what happens to some people who get drunk, their whole judgement is off. Some of us don't know about that because we just don't get drunk like that. However, any normal person is gonna say he jumped because what person without the intention of jumping would get on a ledge like that….? Maybe a seriously intoxicated individual who overdramatizes everything? It's like the person who kills someone from druken-driving. However I don't think these drivers plan on killing themselves or someone else. A drunk person has impaired judgement, which is why they think they can drive drunk. Anyway….that's what I was thinking. I'm still sorry he died. Such a tragedy. RIP/

  2. Short Explanation: Bernardo Albaz was a gay passenger aboard with his husband the crew was not polite to his lifestyle and was making fun of them not saying that’s all there may have been a fight between him and his husband, probably because of what was happening with the crew and them being so impolite. and I am so sorry that it came to this it should have never I feel so bad for his husband who had to witness it and for the other passengers (he fell onto a life boat after I think he may have been aiming for but he hit it then bounced off into the ocean just horrible) and no they never found him called of the search and put him in missing persons 😢

  3. Very sad but then again how hard is it NOT to jump off a cruise ship? If someone wants to kill themselves they will. Ugh. Meanwhile the far left will blame the cruise ship.

  4. Nobody thought releasing the lifeboat after he fell was a good idea. This is probably why I have never wanted to spend days on a floating steel coffin, populated by alcoholics and surrounded by miles of emptiness.

  5. I hope it was fast and that if anyone loved him, they find peace.

    If there is anything waiting for him on the other side, I hope it’s good.

  6. Of all the ways to suicide thats one of the worst! Shatk waters if they don't water in lungs as you panic to stay afloat. Im very depressed lonely alone a lot discouraged but .. im fighting forva better future

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