Sfaturi de navigare în sensul vântului pentru catamarane – Tehnici de navigare cu catamaran | Lumea Yachtingului

Sfaturi de navigare în sensul vântului pentru catamarane – Tehnici de navigare cu catamaran |  Lumea Yachtingului

De ce pisicile de croazieră nu navighează foarte bine spre vânt? Nigel Irens explică și are câteva sfaturi despre cum să profitați mai mult de un catamaran de croazieră în sensul vântului ► Deveniți un ABONAT GRATUIT la pagina YouTube a Yachting World acum – https://www.youtube.com/user/yachtingworld?sub_confirmation=1 ► Pentru ultimele recenzii, lansări de echipamente noi și știri despre tur, vizitați site-ul nostru aici – http://www.yachtingworld.com ► Dă Like-ne pe Facebook aici – https://www.facebook.com/yachtingworldmagazine ►Urmăriți-ne pe Twitter aici – https ://twitter.com/yachtingworld ►Nu ezitați să comentați mai jos! ►Nu uitați să apăsați butonul de LIKE dacă v-a plăcut 🙂


17 thoughts on “Sfaturi de navigare în sensul vântului pentru catamarane – Tehnici de navigare cu catamaran | Lumea Yachtingului

  1. Eh wot! Doth thou not readest thouest King Jamest?! Eh wot?!!
    Silly colonists, go away or we shall taunt you a second time, again, like deja vu, again…

  2. Some food for thought – Catamarans with two short spreaders instead of one long spreader on the mast sail better up wind for the simple reason that the leech of the genoa can come closer to the center of the boat before the spreader interferes with it. We have seen this many times sailing in proximity of cats with long single spreaders who just can't make it closer to the wind as a result. We actually sail closer to the wind than many mono's we sail with and for me it all comes down to the genoa 'set up' by the manufacturer. Another thing we find for sailing closer to the wind, is to give the genoa a stiff halyard (we want to loose the wrinkles). I totally agree with the words 'don't over sheet at all' – contrary to what we are all taught our boat goes better to weather with the genoa cars slightly forward as opposed to aft – the sail wants some shape to it.  These videos are great, the sailor is skilled and I enjoy them – thank you guys!

  3. This yacht they are on is like sailing a block of flats and using bed sheets to drive it …. Dagger boards are essential for upwind performance. My Crowther 10m could sail 28/35 deg to windward at good speed.. I am looking at a SIG80 fro my retirement yacht ,,,, now that will make mono sailors envious 🙂

  4. Discussing upwind sailing technique on a modern cruising cat, probably best not to use the Moorings (Robertson & Caine Leopard) 48! The forward cockpit is designed for seating charter guests sipping wine (or rum) at the marina dock….. But it is huge penalty for windward performance on this cat because it is effectively a massive wind dam and literally almost stops the boat. It traps the wind and there is no way for it flow over the super structure. Parasitic drag at its worst!

  5. I assist with a Fountaine 46 cat delivery.
    Sailing from Coccos Keeling to Perth WA. 1750kn into the SE trades. All on the nose.
    30kns of wind with a strong current and 2 metres+ seas..
    The best we could get was 120 to the wind for the first 12 days.
    We were aiming to sail a course of about 130 the best we could get was either 10 or 250 degrees. Not the direction we wanted.
    Apart from having two hulls slamming for every wave.
    Give me a heavy monohull anytime.

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