De ce fiecare marinar are nevoie de o FATA la bord!

De ce fiecare marinar are nevoie de o FATA la bord!

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27 thoughts on “De ce fiecare marinar are nevoie de o FATA la bord!

  1. Unfortunately, I don't know this woman, but I immediately took her into my heart!
    She seems very TOUGH, but very funny….
    I congratulate the man by her side!
    Greetings from Germany Bavaria Munich OHT Original Himbeer Toni 👌😎⛵

  2. Why would anyone give this sailing ⛵️ couple a thumbs down??? Are you out of your minds … they are fuckin awesome!!!

  3. Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.
    250 sentadillas son unos KISSSS.Uno muchas y un buen ejercicio.
    5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados 😍👍

    Saludos desde la Cd.. de world 🌹😉💖
    los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer.

  4. the best every video on Youtube i come back to it time and time again when i need a giggle.

  5. That was a Gem to watch. I'm now binge watching from the beginning of your journey. Your videos ground me ( no pun intended haha). Make me smile….your whole family and friends are so inspiring…..we need more of that in this insane world…..peace!

  6. Love this…the lunch prep segment, I watched that in full and it was hilarious.
    Elayna has always, always, been such a great sport. 👏🏼👏🏼🇳🇿🇳🇿🐑🐑NZ

  7. Was just looking back at some older movies if yours. These are really incredible guys, the newness of it all that you must have felt, this massive adventure you were taking a leap on. I mean, this vlog here gave me goosebumps. I hope you are just as proud of these as your new content.

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