La test: Hanse 315 – un crucișător de buzunar care are un pumn

La test: Hanse 315 - un crucișător de buzunar care are un pumn

Videoclipul Yachting World care arată procesul lui Toby Hodges la bordul noului 315 al lui Hanse. Raportul complet și concluziile sunt disponibile în numărul din februarie 2016 și site-ul nostru aici:


36 thoughts on “La test: Hanse 315 – un crucișător de buzunar care are un pumn

  1. I am wondering if this limey bastard was a Pirate in a passed life ? I must say he is an excellent presenter for yachting world !! Cheers mate !

  2. 30-35 years ago, a 31-footer would have been considered a large cruiser. Most cruiser sailboats were still 25-30 ft. Now, it's a "pocket cruiser". Times change! 😀

  3. This is NOT a pocket cruiser. It's a medium length sailing boat with all mod cons. A pocket cruiser is often a fifth of the price and ranges between 19 feet and 25 feet. Yachting World strikes again.

  4. Just a few quetions about this too positive test. This is a typical advertising test. If you're sailing with 4 people, where do you store food for a week? Where do you store fenders? Where did the huuge locker vanished? A test with 10Kn wind should not be called a test

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