În acest videoclip îi întâlnim pe Elayna și Riley, un cuplu australian care trăiește pe o barcă cu pânze. Barca lor, SV La Vagabonde, este un Beneteau Cyclades de 43,4 picioare pe care Riley a cumpărat-o în Italia. Cuplul locuiește pe barcă de peste un an și a navigat din Marea Mediterană în Caraibe, cu o traversare destul de lină a Atlanticului între ele. Odată ce se vor sătura de Caraibe, vor naviga în Australia și, eventual, vor continua de acolo pentru a face o circumnavigare completă a globului. La bord au 2 panouri solare flexibile și un generator eolian pentru energie și un filtru de apă pentru a transforma apa sărată în apă proaspătă de băut. Cuplul avea foarte puțină experiență de navigație pentru început, dar au învățat frânghiile destul de repede. Am ezita să facem același lucru fără a urma niște cursuri de navigație, dar se pare că a funcționat foarte bine pentru acești tipi; și ne place să urmărim videoclipuri cu aventurile lor. Îi puteți urmări pe YouTube și prin blogul lor: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZdQjaSoLjIzFnWsDQOv4ww http://sailing-lavagabonde.com De asemenea, puteți vedea un tur al barca lor cu pânze aici: https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=TKm2FX9kKZ4 Vă mulțumim pentru vizionare! Mat & Danielle –––––––––––––––– ––––––––––– Ține legătura! ––––––––––––––––– –––––––––– Blog: www.exploringalternatives.ca Facebook: /exploringalternativesblog Instagram: @exploringalternatives Muzică și cântec Credite: Toate muzica din acest videoclip a fost compusă, interpretată și înregistrată de Mat Dubé de la Exploring Alternatives.
Cuplu australian care trăiește pe o barcă cu pânze și călătorește prin lume
37 thoughts on “Cuplu australian care trăiește pe o barcă cu pânze și călătorește prin lume”
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Look like a movie story !
They've both got great Aussie accents!!!
She is beautiful dude
I used to watch these two about a year or two ago and then I don't know what happened… maybe the subscription vanished some how…?
Actually they were the first yachting or boating Channel ever watched..
What about pirates?
Good god what do I gotta do to get a girl like that?
id build it on my own lake .
Boats babes and Beer… This guy's got it right!
Seriously though, best of luck to them both, getting out there not chained to a desk 340 days a year!
Damn this is so cool, living in abundance, get your water from the sea , your electricity from the sun , food from the ocean , so cool , you guys are an inspiration , looks so adventurous and fun 🙂
Very good video and interesting sailing day, Panorama….
Please S and visited my channel and give back comment thanks
Travelling around the world with a girl who's cute af, I think I could get used to that.
I wouldn't wear clothes unless I had to
I'm not gonna ask you how much it cost to do this cause you don't care about budget your rich as heck.
Lucky bastard..
I think we need an updated version of this since they got the new boat and had a kid !!!
Good on you guys, its such an inspiration to hear your story
Who's gonna to tell them that the boat's name is grammatical wrong?😂😂😂
La= is singular
Vagabonde= is plural
They should have named it or:
La vagabonda, or Le vagabonde
Wow, so long ago. So much has changed since then. Cheers guys
It’s beautiful video always , I am watching all your videos never missing at all . My all sailing pictures on my Facebook page welcome on my page 5,000 people on my Facebook page. I am will continue sailing around the world probably in the future somewhere I meet you you guys. Fair winds and following seas.
Who else think they should open a PH Channel? 😂
U r awesome …
Wht a will power u have dude
"I'm happy burning around" what mustache ? Did you see her smile !!
Living their own dream…KUDOS!
I wanna travel the ocean with someone 😢
Why does this channel exist other than to exploit the work of other successful you tube channels? On a positive note they may introduce some new people to the original channels.
yeah hats off to you mate nothing better than being able to travel, better when you're younger and
fitter and even better if you have your partner aboard cheers mate
Love it!
How it's possible to travel the whole world with own boat ?
What about the coast guards ?
How to inform them and get the permission to get in there territory ?
What's the way to do this legally ?
The green new deal is taxation with zero benefit. Please please look at the volume of gasses exiting volcanoes/ oceans daily. Please look into the science before you fully but into the side agenda ( taxation). Yes climate changes but climate change is a hoax/belief. Unite all peoples
actually never see them sailing anywhere. Seems like most of their videos they are anchored somewhere in the tropics. Not really sailing around the world.
Tankyu. You refort.
Yes. I. Like.
Are you doing like update vids on these? It would be interesting to know how things moved on in the last 6 years for all these sailors.
They've come so far go La Vagabonde