Sailing a Mirage – San Blas (Sailing La Vagabonde) Ep. 33

Sailing a Mirage - San Blas (Sailing La Vagabonde) Ep.  33

Elay era suficient de apt pentru a părăsi portul, așa că ne-am îndreptat spre navigația noastră peste noapte către faimoasele Insule San Blas. Navigarea pe insulele San Blas este un vis al nostru de ceva vreme și a fost exact cum am sperat că va fi. Aceste insule minuscule împrăștiate în jurul locului de la distanță, seamănă cu imaginea de miraj perfectă pe care ai vedea-o în deșert după 2 săptămâni fără hrană sau apă în căldura dogoritoare, cu vulturi care se învârt deasupra capului tău abia așteptând să scapi. Horayyyy pentru San Blas!!! Mulțumesc mamă natură. Vă rugăm să deveniți un Patron! Descarcă albumul Elaynas de aici! Urmărește-ne pe Instagram pentru mai multe locații actualizate pe La Vaga! Ia niște produse oficiale La Vaga și ajută-ne să ne susținem călătoria! Abonați-vă la noul nostru site sexy pentru postări și actualizări pe blog! Dă-ne Like pe Facebook! Apreciați pagina de muzică Elaynas pe Carte! Mașină Copii – Mai multe Jason Lyle – Shivas Eyes Dominic Bennett – Away Too Long Miss Max – Going Going Miss Max – Tu Eu și Marea Racoo Charles cu Moke Folk – Cântec de călătorie Bears Smoke Tigari – Malibu Creek Mulțumim un milion tuturor abonaților noștri care ne urmăresc călătoria și mai ales celor care ne susțin pe Patreon! Cu sprijinul dumneavoastră, putem continua să vină filmele și să continuăm să navigăm în jurul lumii și să împărtășim această aventură incredibilă cu voi toți. Este într-adevăr foarte apreciat. Nu există destui oameni amabili și generoși ca voi pe lumea asta. Vă mulțumesc mult băieți. Iubesc Elayna și Riley Sailing La Vagabonde.


42 thoughts on “Sailing a Mirage – San Blas (Sailing La Vagabonde) Ep. 33

  1. You can tell when a girl really loves a guy when she can take his mannerisms off to a Tee.
    When Elayna took off Riley my wife myself and our daughter absolutely cracked up with laughter..

    P.S. a bit shout out to all that are re watching the old episodes due to COVID 19’s April 21st and The Australian PM is starting to talk about easing the lockdown conditions 😄😄😄😀👍👍👍 wooooooo. Hoooooooo where cheering

  2. Jumping off your boat underway and in wavy conditions is a very fool hardy thing to do. If anyone happens to let go you will very likely not be able to find them. If this did happen to you the best thing to do is stop the boat. You can't see the man overboard but the man overboard can see the boat and swim to it. Very important.

  3. I just found you guys and aim already a huge fan thank you so much for sharing your life with us! Greetings from Rotterdam Netherlands 🙋🏻‍♀️⛵⛵

  4. I love you guys! Omg…. we live in Washington State, Spokane. Google the area… it’s very different here and I secretly follow your vloges or whatever they are called. Anywhoo I am a follower. Good lord I have shown my videos to my husband who btw looks very much like your man Riley and get this… our last name is Riley. We didn’t name our first son Riley, because you know Riley Riley would probably muck shit up. So that’s beside the point. Somehow your weekly vloges have captured me. Just me. I think that if I could go back in life… actually I would like to have more time on this voyage of life. I wouldn’t go back. I love my family and kids, grands even! I find myself at 56 years old in a beautiful place, home etc… so I just basically want to say thanks! Contact me peeps! We are land people who could show you a peaceful beautiful back deck looking at Mt. Spokane with good coffee in the am… if your ever in our territory mates!

  5. I wonder if this dude ever made it to Bermuda with his buddy? Very interesting thought, very interesting thought indeed. I was actually pretty stoked for this episode. Why? Because I am on the big time #VictoryLap2021 Tour dude….. yeah, thats what’s up lol.

  6. Loved your patron, named Jeff from the city of brotherly love. From one Philly boy to another, yooo, way to go, Jeff…..

  7. Just now binge watching SLV. Jeff nailed his description of what it means to us ‘desk sailors’. He is a well spoken, chill, fellow Pennsylvanian.

  8. been watching all your latest streams and just went back to series 1 EP01 and found this was soo good, Jeff's a great sport and this is the 1st time i have ever heard of the San Blas island and what a great adventure!

  9. what a crack-up… mooshtache was hilarious..
    the sand looks bloody beautiful. the whole place does actually.. 👍👍👍✨💜🌸☺🦋🤸‍♀ 
    may 2022.. what the world is now, you couldn't make this stuff up.. insane…

  10. Ok I’ve watched like 36 episodes in the past 2 days, I’m hooked line and sinker. Is there anything Elyania can’t do? I mean she is THEE most amazing woman in the world. Rylie you have got to be the he luckiest man in the world. I’m a lot older than her and she is my hero. I started watching the newer videos first and I’m so glad I am going back and watching theses older videos and just losing myself in your videos. Thank you for listening to you hearts years ago and still being here today.

  11. I started watching all episodes from the beginning, because I'm so inspired by your channel. Only YouTube series which makes me laugh out loud regularly! Thanks for documenting these amazing memories. Gute Reise 🙂

  12. boy o boy! you guys are so freaking awesome, So fun so creative and just fun to watch.
    its like comedy, entertaining , informative you name it!

    Love it ! You guys are perfect!

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