Cum să alegi un catamaran – Tehnici de navigare cu catamaran

Cum să alegi un catamaran – Tehnici de navigare cu catamaran

Designerul de top multicoca Nigel Irens ne ghidează prin procesul de alegere a unui catamaran. De asemenea, vorbim cu Lloyd Thornburg, proprietarul și comandantul Phaedo 3, care a doborât recordul, și îi cerem părerea despre ce să căutăm


36 thoughts on “Cum să alegi un catamaran – Tehnici de navigare cu catamaran

  1. I bought a cat because at my age its better & easier to have sex on board. The monohulls roll too much @ sea & i almost broke my penis once. We both had a good laugh but realised the cat was much better. Happy fucking guys. 😅😨😆

  2. The boats can typically travel at speeds over 80 knots (150 km/h, 90 mph) in calm waters, over 50 knots (90 km/h) in choppy waters, and maintain 25 knots (47 km/h) in the average five to seven foot (1.5 to 2 m) Caribbean seas.

  3. Nothing of relevance here jumping from cruising car to race cat – 90% of people out there are only looking into cruising lifestyle not to race – so why bring up the race aspect into this video- I did not benefit anything from your video

  4. Catamarans are a good example for me, for how the world is changing technology-wise. I am old enough to remember how catamarans were still a pretty much unheard of thing. Some weird, new curiosity a small number of boat builders were toying around with. Interesting how far this has come since then. Feels like it was just a few years ago and when I say "I am old enough", I'm not talking about being a 90 year old living fossile, I'm 40.
    It is the same with other technologies that I remember not existing, but have become ubiquitous since then, like white LEDs for example. I remember being 17, sitting in a high school electronics class and being told by the teacher why red, blue or green LEDs exist, but no white ones and how that is a technology that many people are working on, but nobody could figure out yet, back then. Now it is as if they never not existed, somehow. I can't remember hearing news about white LEDs finally being invented. They just were everywhere one day and I only noticed it in hindsight. Funny how such stuff sneaks up on you.
    I wonder what the next big trend or breakthrough technology in boat building might be.

  5. A question? It's still a fortune to me, beeing a financial underdog, but that performance, comfort and high cost is easy. Grainger 10.2 dagger cat. Seems like it can be had for arround 70k and able to do 16+kt. Thoughts?

  6. Ok, I guess this video was a total waste of my time, since it does not really help you on "How to choose a catamaran"!!!

  7. My Question is, why are boats so expensive even though there are lots of them around? why is it even expensive to salvage an abandoned boat that i could use, fix and live on when there are so many of them just floating on top of water??

  8. No one ever considers reliability and robustness. Even with all the money in the world a complex comfy boat still has more parts to break which you might not be able to repair at sea or find someone to fix or you'll spend your time repairing it. If you're going long distance offshore, think about robustness, reliability, simplicity, and repairability.

  9. Daggerboards don't just improve performance to windward. Raising them reduces drag and improves downwind and reaching performance too.

  10. well I wanted family car that was sort of fun to drive , well you will a turbo charged open when wheel mono-cock construction . there is absolutely nothing the middle . Bullshit . I have after 40 plus years of sailing that the shittiest over weighted cat will blow the battens of a traditional full keel mono hull cruiser or for that matter a J boat. Instead of four -five knots you are looking 7-10 that's huge . this video was completely dumb.

  11. 3:48 HOW FAST ARE THEY GOING? Why would anyone need to sail that fast…I am a complete novice, my wife and I are talking about selling everything and jumping in this head first…

  12. Cats aren't cheap. They should be around 200k-300k max for biggest in the future almost everyone on this so-call planet earth should live anywhere they want.

  13. My dream cruising cat would be a Privilege 585 built out of carbon, with oversized carbon rotating wing mast for oversized sail plan, carbon rigging and massive carbon dagger boards (similar to the ones on Gunboat extreme H2O) Basically A hotted up Rolls Royce….

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