Alăturați-vă lui Keith și BlueWater Cruising pe 11 februarie 2024, ora 16:00 EST, pentru un Atelier online gratuit live pentru a descoperi cele 3 secrete despre cum să vă porniți în propria aventură în apă albastră! Familia noastră de șase șanțuri a renunțat la viața suburbană și a cumpărat o barcă cu pânze! La ce ne gandeam?!!!! #SailingZataraSeason1 ***VREI SUSȚINEȚI Z-CREW?*** —CUMPĂRĂ UN BILET LA SHOW! Despre ce naiba vorbim? Faceți clic aici: –CUMPĂRĂ CEVA COOL Accesați site-ul nostru web: și faceți clic pe Produse în colțul din dreapta sus. Faceți clic pe Z-Swag și luați o cană de cafea sau o cămașă! Preferata noastră este cămașa tri-blend în bleumarin cu sigla Float Away; îl vei vedea adesea pe Jack purtând această cămașă super comodă! Finn poartă sigla Float Away în culoarea regală, la fel ca pernele noastre! Sau faceți clic pe Gear și verificați toate echipamentele foto pe care le folosim, găsiți echipamentul nostru de scuba preferat, luați o pereche de Ray-Bans de la Keith… și multe altele! Ne-am asociat cu Amazon pentru a vă oferi exact ceea ce căutați într-o pagină ușor de navigat: ________________________
O familie de șase persoane decide să navigheze în jurul lumii! [Ep 1] Începe sezonul 1
21 thoughts on “O familie de șase persoane decide să navigheze în jurul lumii! [Ep 1] Începe sezonul 1”
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Just came up on my home page
Hope you made it to Gibraltar! I am out here on the Carnival Pride. Will be in Ponta Delgado on the 3rd
oh my goodness this showed up in my suggested videos today. look how young you all were so cute!! and yes I watched it all.
Mark e Miller recommended your channel in his latest video! Subscribed! And starting the binge!
Nov 7, 2024. Just rewatched your first episode. I have enjoyed every posting through the past few years. Now I have Sailing Zatara, kids and guest crew to follow. Keep safe and posting.
Great episode.. peopIe tell me I'm an artist and I wanted to be an architect back in the day but math wasn't my thing.. Applied to 6 good colleges and didn't get into one. Finally got into a liberal arts college as an English major but ended up in their brand new state of the art Art buildibg with great sculpture studios and light from great windows all arouvd.. Only regret is I didn't get teaching accreditation but even still I taught sculpture for a year at a private all girls college (never dated a one while there) .. Freelance artist in monthly.. weekly shows… Ended up the sole picture framer in an upscale town for 15 years.. Only a 4 mile commute opposite the rush hour traffic. yay!! . But never made much money… which became a problem when wife and I were doing bad financially when prices went up fast and far.. Definite I'd recommend a good steady art or money job with benefits .. Good luck Kate.. you'll do fine…just stay interested and forward thinking…😊
Me too
Like if you are watching this in December 2023!
I’ve been watching your channel for years and just now seeing your first episode. You guys have an amazing story, I’m inspired!
Gustsy, I love it.
I'm ready for Round 2 !!!
nice visit / carl
So fantastic the opportunity you guys gave to this young mates. Amazing the interaction between all of you. You are simply amazing zagara Family. If I could turn back the clock of my age, I would for sure send you my application and hope to be chosen to make a journey with you. ❤
Hello Zatara Family, got some questions about energy provisioning onboard. As you are 10 people and using so many fridges and other electrical stuff, how do you manage with the batteries? Are the solar panel enough to keep the batterie level up or do you use also a generator? If yes, how many KW and for how many hours per day? Which is the model of your Dometic deep freezer? Is it 12 or 24V? Do you run only 12V, 24V or mixed? Thank you for answering all my questions 😂 Fair winds for your Atlantic Crossing ❤
YouTube put your first video in my queue today. Your kids were so cute back then. My how they have grown into young adults. I'll have to look back into those older videos that I haven't seen and do a little catching up on your early years of sailing. I really enjoy watching your family's sailing adventures. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all your crew somewhere out in the Atlantic. Hope Santa found you.
I have seen a lot of your videos and now the ones your kids are also producing, but I had never watched from the beginning. This first episode truly gives a feeling of how much has changed. Looks like I have quite a bit of watching to catch up. May the good Lord continue to bless your family in 2024.
Binge watching from the start, been watching a year already 🎉
Yes same I just found them too and watched the first episode
Just found this channel today.
Binge watching mode has now been activated…
Wow episode 1