#75: Cum să-ți faci soția să plece în croazieră

#75: Cum să-ți faci soția să plece în croazieră

„Nu este pasageră, e echipaj!” este unul dintre sfaturile noastre principale la https://havewindwilltravel.com. Nu există niciun secret magic pentru a-ți lua soția (soț, iubit, iubită, partener) la bord cu croazieră. Trebuie doar să cunoască realitățile și recompensele infinite ale stilului de viață și să le dorească. Împărtășește-i întâi acele filozofii de bază, iar călătoria va deveni doar mijlocul pentru scopul tău reciproc. Odată ce este în principiu la bord, îmbarcă-o (confortabil și încrezător) la bord în practică, cu lecții de navigație și formare continuă și predare împreună. — Pune-o după cârmă! spune Linus Wilson. „Pune-o să recupereze o pernă”, spune Pam Wall. „Treceți-vă teama de a trece un ocean!” spune Lazy Gecko Brittany. Și, cel mai important: „Ține minte că nu este vorba despre barcă sau destinație, ci despre dorințele tale comune și despre viața mai împlinită pe care amândoi vrei să o trăiești împreună”, spune Nick O’Kelly, autorul cărții Get Her on Board. Am muncit din greu pentru a reuni o mulțime de puncte de vedere, perspective și sfaturi de la colegii de crucișător și surse de încredere pentru voi toți. Dacă vă străduiți să vă îmbarca pe celălalt cel mai însemnat cu croazieră, sper că veți găsi acest videoclip, precum și resursele și interviul de mai jos de ajutor. Vă rog să-mi spuneți într-un comentariu de mai jos. RESURSE: Interviul meu complet cu Nick O’Kelly: https://youtu.be/TI2EBLqVksc Patru interviuri reale cu soția „de croazieră” în postarea mea pe blog din 26 august 2016: https://havewindwilltravel.com/2016/08/26/ 75-how-to-get-your-wife-to-go-cruising/ Nick O’Kelly’s Get It On Board: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B008P4WR68/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding =UTF8&btkr=1#nav-subnav Recenzie de carte: Ia-o la bord de Gwen Hamlin de la Women and Cruising: http://www.womenandcruising.com/blog/2010/06/get-her-on-board-secrets-to- sharing-the-cruising-dream/ „6 greșeli pe care bărbații le fac atunci când își împărtășesc pasiunea de navigație” ale lui Nick O’Kelly: http://www.womenandcruising.com/blog/2010/07/6-mistakes-men-make-in- sharing-their-sailing-passion/ Schimbarea cursului lui Debra Cantrell: Ghidul unei femei pentru a alege viața de croazieră: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0014DBEFC/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1# nav-subnav Multe femei mi-au spus prima mea carte, Sarea unui marinar, au vocalizat toate întrebările stupide pe care voiau să le pună când învață h trebuie să navigheze, dar nu a făcut-o. Dacă există o șansă să facă asta pentru partenerul tău semnificativ, ridică o copie de pe Amazon sau e-mail-mi pentru o copie electronică gratuită: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00T7YGKJU/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp =1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B00T7YGKJU&linkCode=as2&tag=havewcom-20&linkId=3UM4C3FFPWHIBTGM#nav-subnav Consultant Pam Wall pentru navigație și croazieră: http://www.pamwall.com Lazy Gecko Sailing.:/ https://www.pamwall.com UCwIThXjmw8eBlEfFZLgZ3-g Femei și croazieră: http://www.womenandcruising.com Women Who Sail (Facebook Group): https://www.facebook.com/WomenWhoSail/ Manualul lui Beth Leonard Voyager: https://www.amazon.com /dp/B0072UO1VA/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1#nav-subnav „Cum să convingi un partener reticent să plece în croazieră” (Catamaran Guru): http://catamaranguru.com/lifestyle/cruising- resurse/300-cum-să-convingi-un-partener-reticent-de-a-parti-de-croazieră


26 thoughts on “#75: Cum să-ți faci soția să plece în croazieră

  1. What an excellent video – Thank you Annie so much for this and researching the linked info.

    and… I am so sorry to hear some men still yell at women. While both sexes have issues now and then with their partners, yelling at anyone is just not cool nowadays.

  2. In my humble, but very strong opinion, jumping on the dock during docking is DANGEROUS. If you end up in the water between the dock and the boat, it can even kill you. If you can't graciously step off, stay on the boat and let whoever does the steering make another pass.

  3. Excellent video and well put together.  This is probably the most difficult hurdle that couples face.I am glad that I/we were never faced with this obsticle as we learned to sail while dating.  Get this!  We had been dating about 3 months when my wife (girl friend back then) calls me at work and says "there's a sailboat listed in the for sale ads.  Would you like to go take a look at it ?"  I stood there at the phone dumb founded.  And the rest is history.28 blissful years of sailing.  Heck!  Come to think of it, we've been sailing together, longer than we've married.  First you make them into sailors, THEN YOU MARRY THEM.

  4. Sorry, but being a crew does not always work. My wife wanted to sail with me, and loved the outdoors. She was very mechanical, excellent with tools, could do everything in work on the boat, fully understood how to sail – but could NOT get use to heeling in a Rhodes 19. We got a non-heeling Cat, which worked until we got some decent winds where this boat easily went over 10 knots.
    Just the speed and spray and whack of canvas as we tacked upwind made her very nervous. She could not get over this, so I gave up sailing.

  5. Tie her up, and keep her in a self/storage locker. Sell everything, this is why the basement isn't a good idea, people want to see the basement of the house they're buying, go figure.

    Put wife in sail bag, take to boat, do not remove until out of sight of land, waaa la, cruising.

  6. Not yelling about a mistake, regardless of who made it, is healthy. Yelling solves nothing….except in the case where you have to yell to get someone's attention… but, that's not angry yelling. That's attention getting. Big difference.

  7. As a sailing woman, I'm going to be candid about what I see women who love sailors going through. As a kid, I loved sailboats. Loved them. Then, I went to a summer camp, in the Chesapeake Bay, that taught sailing as an option. I was all in. Instruction was minimal, so we had to figure it out for ourselves–a true 70s upbringing. Women like Pam Wall were all around me, not allowing us girls to cop out of activities boys did. So, it never occurred to me not to be curious or confident. Then, I was away from sailboats for many years, but wanted my son to learn to sail. I enrolled him in Sea Scouts, at our local sailing club, and we soon became club members too. The people were amazing, but the wives rarely sailed with their husbands. They'd cook for potlucks, and manage registration tables, but didn't volunteer on the committee boat either–a gentle pontoon. Why!

    While I loved the guys attention to my son's sail training, I had a hard time getting them to take me seriously when I showed interest. Plus, the guys were playfully rough with each other, and conversations usually lead to us women being talked over, and eased out. It was a silent notice that this was the domain of men. Oh, I wish I had been born a boy because inexperienced boys were expected to learn while we grown women had to play concerned "mom on shore".

    Then there's the annual "Women's and Junior's Race. Every year, the guys are baffled that no women enter. Yet, this race is scheduled again and again every year. First, we women have spent yet another year not being put at the helm, not being asked tactical questions, not be asked our thoughts about anything, and we're suddenly supposed to race? Just to bring home the position of women, we're compared to children . Where's the expectation?

    So, I decided to join a tall ship in the South Pacific. It was a six month set of passages among the remote islands of Vanuatu–450ish nautical miles west of Fiji. There, I was expected to run the helm, right away, on a 115" ship. My captain had me regularly help him in the engine room, at which I got a lot of practice because we had constant engine problems. I got comfortable going up to the first yardarm, and was working my way to the second. I took watches, did my part in the galley, but so did the guys. It was empowering. Gender meant nothing. Crew meant everything.

    Sorry this is so long, but the point is, men can't have it both ways: we can't be expected to be boat savvy if we're always told to let these be men's duties. Girls are still told to be princesses and shop while men learn engines and climbing and sailing tactics. I have lots of men that I adore that don't realize we women can wear heals and fix auto-pilots. Can't think of her name, but consider the teenage girl whose dad put her in a boat, with little experience to circumnavigate the globe. She learned a ton and fast.

    Women are capable. We're just taught that we aren't early enough that we develop interests in other areas and stay away from "men's activities. I wish so much that men weren't threatened by women being as competent as they are. But, we've also taught men that that is their role too. Women and men both act as they've been taught.

    Anne, I love that you embrace both your intelligent side and your sexy side. You don't let anyone say no to you. Good for you. Keep up the really needed dialogues that you present. So proud of you.

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