Frauscher 1414 Demon recenzie | Barcă cu motor și iahting

Frauscher 1414 Demon recenzie |  Barcă cu motor și iahting

1414 Demon este cea mai mare ambarcațiune pe care șantierul austriac Frauscher a construit-o vreodată, Jack Haines o pune la încercare în marile mari de lângă Mallorca. Filmat de Paul Wyeth: Subscribe – Urmăriți-ne – Facebook – http://www.facebook. com/motorboatandyachting Ediții digitale – Ediție interactivă (numai iPad) –


10 thoughts on “Frauscher 1414 Demon recenzie | Barcă cu motor și iahting

  1. Much better review than the Italian one. I like the boat but the price is too damn high. I think USD$500,000 would be more in line with other boats in its class. I don't care what it might look like, put rails on the bow for fenders and lines.

  2. 2×400 HP and only 38 knots!!! That's crazy, is it full of lead? If the offshore performance was so good, how come you couldn't make a video! Is this a review or paid sales pitch for this overpriced plastic toy?

  3. How much was the price 800 000€ i reckon I remember.
    That's insane given you can get a 52foot tri deck with 4cabins for that price.
    300k-400k would be alot aswell but more appropriate given It has no real aft or bow seating area for proper hangouts.
    If It ditched the aft sundeck and had seating for 6people, had a sunpad at the bow for 4 people then it would be worth half of the asking price..maybe…for It's looks 🤔

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